Aguinaldo Silva

Aguinaldo Silva (Carpina, 7 de junho de 1944) é um dramaturgo, escritor, roteirista, jornalista, cineasta e telenovelista brasileiro. Na adolescência, ainda funcionário de um cartório no Recife, escreveu o romance Redenção para Job. Lançado com sucesso, acabou por gerar polêmica porque correram rumores atribuindo a autoria real ao jornalista Newton Rodrigues, à época o editor da primeira página do Jornal do Commercio, importante diário da capital pernambucana. Em 1962, quando a rede de jornais Última Hora, de Samuel Wainer, implantou no Recife o Última Hora Nordeste, Aguinaldo foi requisitado pelo jornalista Múcio Borges da Fonseca para trabalhar como repórter. Ele trabalhou alguns meses cobrindo a área do aeroporto, mas preferiu atuar internamente, na redação, passando a exercer as funções de copidesque. Com o fechamento do jornal pelo movimento militar de 1964, Aguinaldo Silva foi morar no Rio de Janeiro, onde passou a trabalhar como repórter polícial no jornal O Globo. Na década de 1970, editou o primeiro jornal gay do país, O Lampião, um tablóide semanal que teve vida curta. Sua experiência como repórter policial o fez ser convidado, em 1979, para ser um dos autores do seriado Plantão de Polícia, da Rede Globo, que retratava a vida de um veterano profissional dessa linha, o fictício Waldomiro Pena. O sucesso do seriado o levou a escrever também episódios de Malu Mulher. Posteriormente lançou o formato minissérie na TV brasileira, escrevendo com Doc Comparato, Lampião e Maria Bonita. Por este trabalho recebeu o Troféu APCA de Revelação Masculina de 1982, junto com Comparato, na categoria Televisão. Junto com o mesmo parceiro desenvolveu ainda mais duas minisséries - Bandidos da Falange (1983) e Padre Cícero (1984) - e mais uma solo - a adaptação de Tenda dos Milagres de Jorge Amado (1985). No mesmo ano em que foi ao ar Padre Cícero, escreveu a primeira novela de sua carreira em parceria com a também estreante Glória Perez: Partido Alto, atração do horário nobre que mostrava simultaneamente os 'universos' da Zona Sul carioca e dos subúrbios da mesma cidade, estes dominados pelo jogo do bicho. Contudo, tal experiência não deu certo e Aguinaldo abandonou a feitura da trama antes de seu término. Mas se recuperou logo no ano seguinte, quando José Bonifácio de Oliveira Sobrinho, executivo da TV Globo, o convidou a escrever a novela Roque Santeiro. A novela de Dias Gomes, proibida pela censura da ditadura militar, em 1975, tinha 40 capítulos escritos, mas o autor se recusou a retomar o trabalho, Aguinaldo foi convidado a escrever a novela a partir do ponto em que Dias Gomes tinha parado e o resultado foi um grande sucesso de público e crítica. Foi também o co-autor com Gilberto Braga e Leonor Bassères da novela Vale Tudo, em 1988. Seu talento de romancista e ficcionista, enriquecido pela experiência na reportagem policial, casou com a produção de folhetins televisivos. Outras características marcantes são o regionalismo e o realismo fantástico. Também fez sucesso recentemente com a novela Senhora do destino, de2004. Sua última novela foi Duas Caras, iniciada em Outubro de 2007 e concluída em Maio de 2008. Aguinaldo Silva é homossexual assumido. foi autor da minissérie Cinquentinha. Começou o ano de 2010, supervisionando a novela Tempos Modernos, de Bosco Brasil autor que já adaptou a trama Bicho do Mato, primeira trama exibida no horário das 6 na Rede Globo. Em Portugal, supervisiona a novela Laços de Sangue, primeira novela co-produzida da parceria Rede Globo e SIC Escreveu este ano a minissérie Lara com Z, protagonizada por Susana Vieira e Humberto Martins, contando com antagonistas como Beatriz Segall e Eliane Giardini e grande elenco. A minissérie é uma filhote de Cinquentinha. Escreve agora a nova novela das nove da Globo, Fina Estampa que substituiu Insensato Coração a partir de 22 de agosto de 2011. Silva possui ainda a "marca" de único autor de novelas da Globo que só escreveu novelas "das oito" (de acordo com a edição 1891 da Revista Veja).


Vale Tudo

Vale Tudo

Release Date:2025-03-31


Job:Original Story

Episode Count:1


Brasileiríssima - A história da telenovela

Release Date:2022-06-09

Vote Count:1

Orgulho Além da Tela

Orgulho Além da Tela

From archive images and testimonials of Globo's talents and the public, the documentary traces the chronology of the representation of LGBTQIA+ characters in Brazilian soap operas.

Release Date:2021-10-11


Episode Count:3

Vote Count:4

O Sétimo Guardião

O Sétimo Guardião

At first glance, Serro Azul may seem like just another typical inland town, quiet and surrounded by mountains, where technological advances such as internet and cell phones have not yet arrived. A place where anyone who passes does not pay much attention, not knowing what is missing, after all, a city that is near Greenville and Tubiacanga could not fail to have its peculiarities. The main one is a source with curative and rejuvenating properties, which is the outermost part of a gigantic aquifer, a huge reservoir of what is becoming the most precious possession of the Earth: water. This source is protected by seven guardians whose mission is to ensure that this wealth does not reach the wrong hands.

Release Date:2018-11-12



Episode Count:161

Vote Count:7


Crô em Família

Already famous, at the top of his career, owner of his own school of etiquette, Crô sees himself alone and without a family. Lonely and vulnerable, he ends up living at the whim of supposed family, Orlando, Marinalva, Luane and Nando, whose intentions are far from the best. With the inseparable Geni, Magda and Jurema by his side, Crô will embark on an adventure to find his true family while constantly avoiding the venom of the top columnist Carlota Valdez.

Release Date:2018-09-06


Job:Original Story

Vote Count:24


Documentary about the trajectory of the Brazilian journalist, writer and politician Fernando Gabeira. With testimonies of Armínio Fraga, Aguinaldo Silva, Leda Nagle, among others.

Release Date:2017-11-23

Character:Aguinaldo Silva

Donos da História

Donos da História

Release Date:2017-05-07

Episode Count:1

Vote Count:1


Lampião da Esquina: Lighting Up Brazilian Press

Inspired by the US paper “Gay Sunshine”, in April of 1978 appeared in Brazil – during the dictatorship – the newspaper “O Lampião”, depicting the point of view of gays on various issues, including sexuality. A group of journalists and writers from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo joined the project, fueling a publication that paved the way for the press at the time, addressing controversial issues at the period, such as racism, abortion, drugs and prostitution.

Release Date:2016-08-18


Vote Count:1


Luz, Câmera, 50 Anos: Lampião e Maria Bonita - O Filme

Release Date:2015-01-22



Vote Count:6



Heartbreak forever changed the fate of the young and humble José Alfredo. Years later, he became the Lord Alfredo, a successful owner of a jewelry empire and a man obsessed with power. Temperamental and cunning, he tries to balance his turbulent marriage, an extramarital love affair, and the dispute between his children over succession in his business. One day, however, the unexpected appearance of a possible daughter, of whom he was unaware, causes upheaval in his life and takes his familial conflicts to a whole new level.

Release Date:2014-07-21




Episode Count:203

Vote Count:16



After inheriting a fortune Tereza Cristina, Crodoalvo Valerius, better known as "Crô", is tired of life millionaire. Determined to find a new muse who can devote his life, he begins a personal quest that makes interview several turkeys. Your goal is to find one that is best qualified to own that he can serve as a steward, as he did with his former employer. However, after much review, just realizing that his ideal muse is exactly the one I had ever imagined.

Release Date:2013-10-29



Vote Count:70


Giovanni Improtta

Giovanni Improtta is a criminal who wants to climb the social ladder and become a law-abiding citizen. To achieve it, he commits some more crimes He is betrayed, and ends up under the spotlight of the media and the radar of the police, falsely charged for murder.

Release Date:2013-05-18



Vote Count:5

Looks & Essence

Looks & Essence

Griselda is a tough, hard-working handywoman who managed to raise her three children on her own. She struggles to make ends meet but after winning the lottery tensions rise as people inevitably show their true value. With plenty of romance and intrigue this incredibly rich and fun telenovela brings together the true values of friendship, love, and family.

Release Date:2011-08-22



Episode Count:185

Vote Count:17

Lara com Z

Lara com Z

Release Date:2011-04-07



Vote Count:2

Laços de Sangue

Laços de Sangue

Laços de Sangue is a Portuguese telenovela which broadcast on SIC from September 2010 to October 2011. It is a co-production between SIC and Brazilian Rede Globo. The show also broadcast in several Latin American countries, including Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. It won the 2011 Emmy for Best Telenovela.

Release Date:2010-09-13



Vote Count:1

Tempos Modernos

Tempos Modernos

Release Date:2010-01-11


Job:Writers' Assistant

Episode Count:161

Vote Count:3



Release Date:2009-12-08



Vote Count:2

Duas Caras

Duas Caras

In the past, as Adalberto Rangel, he met and seduced Maria Paula. With a calculated coldheart, he married her, stole her fortune, then abandoned her, unaware she was pregnant at the time. Ten years later, accompanied by her son Renato, Maria Paula plots to recover her dignity and to find justice by getting revenge against the indignities done to her.

Release Date:2007-10-01



Episode Count:210

Vote Count:5

Senhora do Destino

Senhora do Destino

A story about people who succeed in life thanks to nothing but their own efforts. Maria do Carmo is the main character of the telenovela; a mother of five who struggle to be successful in life, but whose most important will be recovering the love of her daughter who was kidnapped when she was just months old.

Release Date:2004-06-28



Episode Count:221

Vote Count:16

Porto dos Milagres

Porto dos Milagres

Porto dos Milagres is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from 5 February to 29 September 2001, totaling 203 chapters. It was written by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linhares and loosely based on two works written by Jorge Amado - The Dead Sea and the discovery of America by the Turks. Had Philip collaboration Miguez, Maria Elisa Berredo, Nadotti Nelson and Gloria Baker, directed by Fabricio Mamberti and Luciano Sabino. Director general Mark and Robert Paul Naar, co-directed by Fabricio Mamberti and Luciano Sabino. Had the direction of core Marcos Paulo.

Release Date:2001-02-05



Vote Count:5

Suave Veneno

Suave Veneno

Release Date:1999-01-18



Episode Count:209

Vote Count:6

Meu Bem Querer

Meu Bem Querer

Meu Bem Querer is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Rede Globo. Written by Ricardo Linhares, with the collaboration of Leonor Bassères, Nelson Nadotti, Maria Elisa Berredo and Glória Barretoentre, monitoring text by Aguinaldo Silva, direction of Luís Henrique Rios, João Camargo and Alexandre Avancini, direction general of Roberto Naar and nucleus of Marcos Paulo and transmitted by August 24, 1998 and January 20, 1999, totaling 179 episodes.

Release Date:1998-08-24


Job:Writers' Assistant

Episode Count:179

A Justiceira

A Justiceira

Diana is woman who lost her child for her Husband. A evil man behind a series of crime operations. Searching for her son, Diana is hired for a underground organization to fight crimes all over Brazil. Now, Diana has the meanings to locate her former husband and search for her son.

Release Date:1997-04-09



Vote Count:2

A Indomada

A Indomada

A Indomada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Globo February 17 to October 11, 1997. Authored by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linares, with the collaboration of Maria Elisa Berredo, Mark Silver and Nadotti Nelson and directed by Marcos Paulo Roberto Naar and Luiz Henrique Reis, had the general direction and core Marcos Paulo. Featured actors Adriana Esteves, José Mayer, Eva Wilma and Ary Fontoura leading roles in the plot.

Release Date:1997-02-17



Episode Count:203

Vote Count:7


How Angels are Born

Two children flee together with a grown up from a slum in Rio because this man had problems with the local drug lord. They end up in the house where a rich American citizen lives with his daughter.

Release Date:1996-08-06



Vote Count:11

O Campeão

O Campeão

Release Date:1996-03-25


Job:Original Story

Episode Count:90

Fera Ferida

Fera Ferida

Release Date:1993-11-15



Episode Count:210

Vote Count:2

Pedra Sobre Pedra

Pedra Sobre Pedra

Pedra Sobre Pedra is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Rede Globo from January 6 to July 31, 1992, with 178 episodes.

Release Date:1992-01-06



Episode Count:179

Vote Count:6

Riacho Doce

Riacho Doce

Release Date:1990-07-31



Episode Count:40

Vote Count:4



Inspired on Jorge Amado's romance "Tieta do Agreste", the plot is set on the fictional city of Santana do Agreste, at Brazil's northwest, and has as main theme Tieta's life turnarounds. Twenty-five years after being chased out of town by her father Zé Esteves, she returns to her home town seeking revenge against everyone who mistreated her and laugh at her face in the past.

Release Date:1989-08-14



Episode Count:197

Vote Count:11

Vale Tudo

Vale Tudo

Fátima Accioly is a young, callous woman who wants to be rich and successful at any price. After selling her family's house in the country, she heads to Rio and gets to know dress man César who is unscrupulous himself. Meanwhile, her mother Raquel stays behind without home and money, but finally tries to find her daughter in the big city. Both women come in contact with the rich Roitman family which changes their lives forever.

Release Date:1988-05-16



Episode Count:204

Vote Count:20


Luzia Homem

After witnessing the assassination of her parents, Luzia is raised by a cowboy and starts behaving like the men of Brazilian "Sertão". As a grown-up, she sets out to find her parent's murderer, but ends up discovering love.

Release Date:1988-05-05



Vote Count:5


Lili Carabina

When her husband dies, Elisa asks Guerreiro if she can join his gang of bank robbers. She soon gains notoriety in the press with the nickname Lili Carabina, but is relentlessly pursued by an honest police officer.

Release Date:1988-01-01



Vote Count:1

O Outro

O Outro

Release Date:1987-03-23



Episode Count:173


Os Trapalhões e o Rei do Futebol

The team of Galinheiro Futebol Clube, formed by emeritus fighters, has as technical Cardea, advised by three direct assistants: Elvis, former player as Cardinal and aspiring singer; Fumê, cook of Independência Futebol Clube, great team in which Cardeal also works as a wardrobe; and Lupine, samba and composer.

Release Date:1986-03-27



Vote Count:31

Tenda dos Milagres

Tenda dos Milagres

Release Date:1985-07-29



Episode Count:30

Roque Santeiro

Roque Santeiro

In the tiny poor town of Asa Branca, in the middle of Brazilian Northeast, Roque Santeiro is worshiped as a saint. He was supposedly killed by a bandit, 18 years ago, trying to save the local church. After his disappearance, local leaderships such as landowner Sinhozinho Malta and mayor Florindo, took profit on that to control the humble population. They even make up a widow, Porcina, who should have married Roque secretly before his death. What they don't expect is that Roque is alive, and he's back to, allegedly, "save his people". Now Malta, Florindo, Porcina, and others must hold him down and explain the "truth" to their commoners, in a desperate attempt to save their own bottoms. Meanwhile, mysterious facts surround Asa Branca, such as a Werewolf, a film crew who are trying to shoot a movie about Roque's story, and violent murderers.

Release Date:1985-06-24



Episode Count:209

Vote Count:16

Partido Alto

Partido Alto

Release Date:1984-05-07



Episode Count:174

Vote Count:2

Padre Cícero

Padre Cícero

Release Date:1984-04-09



Episode Count:20


Águia na Cabeça

A senator having contacts with illegal betting activities is killed by the man who is his right arm, who wanted to get his position. But the power structure resents this disturbance and can fall apart, specially since there's a witness.

Release Date:1984-04-01



Vote Count:5


O Trapalhão na Arca de Noé

Duda is a zoo cleaner. He and his friend Kiko and Zeca are actively engaged in an animal protection group. For this reason, they are summoned by mystic Noé to fight animal hunters in the Pantanal region, in Brazil, who are after animal skins and furs, and are led by the mean Morel. They accept the mission and, on their way, meet archaeologist Marcos and photographer Carla, who are in search of a lost pyramid built by the Phoenician. Together, they try to beat the hunters.

Release Date:1983-12-15



Vote Count:14


O Cangaceiro Trapalhão

Severino do Quixadá (Renato Aragão), a humble northeastern shepherd of goats, rescues Captain Virgulano or simply Captain (Nelson Xavier) and his band of cangaceiros of an ambush armed by the lieutenant Zé Bezerra (Jose Dumont), its eternal persecutor. Captain escapes taking with him the mysterious box that he removed from the interior of the assaulted train in the city of Cajarana. Seeking to escape the shooting, Severino ends up finding himself in the cangaceiros' camp, along with the mishap friends Mussum and Zacarias who, taking advantage of the confusion, fled the chain.

Release Date:1983-08-19



Vote Count:28


Bandidos da Falange

Release Date:1983-07-14



Vote Count:1

Bandidos da Falange

Bandidos da Falange

Release Date:1983-01-10



Episode Count:20

Lampião e Maria Bonita

Lampião e Maria Bonita

Release Date:1982-04-26



Episode Count:8

Vote Count:1

Obrigado, Doutor

Obrigado, Doutor

Release Date:1981-04-24



Episode Count:23


Prova de Fogo

As soon as Mauro, an Administration student, discovers a strong vocation for mediumship, he drops everything to go deeper and dedicate himself to Umbanda, a religion he embraces so strongly that it makes him give up his studies. Determined to open his own spiritist center, Mauro moves to the countryside.

Release Date:1980-05-25



Vote Count:1


República dos Assassinos

In 1970, the Esquadrão da Morte (Death Squad)' crimes for the refinement of violence provoked a wave of reactions throughout the country. The photos of the victims, adorned by the skull, symbol of the group, caused an uncomfortable indignation. This is the story of Mateus Romeiro, the most famous of the policemen, who was part of the Homens de Aço (Steelmen) group, one of the factions in which the squadron was divided.

Release Date:1979-11-11



Vote Count:8

Plantão de Polícia

Plantão de Polícia

Release Date:1979-05-25



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