3 Libras (Temporada 1)

'3 Libras' son tres libras, exactamente un kilo y 360 gramos, que es lo que pesa un cerebro adulto, el órgano protagonista de esta serie que acercará a los espectadores las patologías del sistema nervioso, grandes desconocidas entre la población general. El cerebro es un gran desconocido para el público. "Muchas series se centran en los alienígenas y demás fenómenos de ciencia ficción, cuando el cerebro es uno de los mayores misterios de la vida real", explicaba Peter Ocko, productor ejecutivo de '3Lbs' durante la presentación de la serie. Los problemas neurológicos tienen síntomas llamativos y confusos para quien no esté familiarizado. Por eso, ha comentado Ocko "el desafío es convencer a los telespectadores de que no están viendo ciencia ficción". La estrella principal es Stanley Tucci (el fiel y divino ayudante de Meryl Streep en 'El diablo viste de Prada') como el doctor Douglas Hanson, uno de los neurocirujanos más brillantes de Nueva York. El secreto de su éxito es bien sencillo: el cerebro es como una "caja llena de cables", la persona que lo contiene no es asunto suyo. El distante neurocirujano tendrá a sus órdenes al guapo doctor Johnatan Seger, que interpreta Mark Feuerstein ('El ala Oeste de la Casablanca'). La serie mostrará el contraste entre los protagonistas. Mientras el doctor Seger se preocupa por el bienestar emocional de los pacientes, a Hanson sólo le importan sus cerebros. No obstante, juntos formarán un eficaz equipo. El reparto lo completan Indira Varma ('Instito Básico 2') como la doctora Adrienne Holland, Tamara Taylor ('Cinco en familia') que interpreta a Della, Armando Riesco ('World Trade Center') como el médico latino Thomas Flores. El cerebro, un gran misterio Aneurismas, tumores cerebrales, visión doble... Para recrear las diferentes dolencias de la galería de pacientes que desfilan por la serie, los realizadores utilizan técnicas con las que sorprendió hace ya seis años 'CSI', teleserie de la misma cadena.

  • Poster for Lost For Words

    Lost For Words 0.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-11-14

    Sinopsis: After a teen collapses while playing violin in a concert and it's discovered that she has a tumor. Dr. Hanson want to operate on the young girl's brain but the girl's mother isn't sure that is best since she recently suffered a loss of another daughter during an operation. Meanwhile, Hanson's protégé, Dr. Jonathan Seger arrives.

  • Poster for Of Two Minds

    Of Two Minds 1.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-11-21

    Sinopsis: Hanson and his staff deal with a pregnant woman who has a brain tumor. Hanson wants her to follow a treatment plan that threatens the life of her unborn child, but the patient is determined to keep her baby. Although she refuses the radiation, she agrees to a complicated brain surgery that could buy her sometime. After the surgery, she discovers some unexpected side effects. Meanwhile, Dr. Seger discovers he is involved with the attorney of a man he's treating who has been accused of a violent crime.

  • Poster for Heart-Stopping

    Heart-Stopping 0.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-11-28

    Sinopsis: A woman that three years ago Hanson operated for an aneurysm returns complaining of double vision. After making some test, they find that she has another aneurysm that her chance of surviving surgery is approximately 20%. But when she agrees to surgery, her brother is determined to stop her and at the same time risking her life. Meanwhile, Adrianne falls for an astronomy professor who suffers from face blindness.

  • Poster for Disarming

    Disarming 0.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-12-05

    Sinopsis: A soldier who was wounded in Iraq by shrapnel to his head suffers a stroke, which leads to paralysis in his left arm. Even worse, the man believes the arm doesn't belong to him but rather to a fellow soldier who died. Also, a woman is diagnosed with a so-called joking disease caused by a tumor that makes her lose memory and find most things humorous.

  • Poster for The God Spot

    The God Spot 0.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-12-12

    Sinopsis: When Erica Lund's seizures become more severe, Dr. Hanson suggests surgery, but she adamantly refuses because she doesn't want to lose the euphoric moment before the seizure hits when she sees God. Meantime, another patient is being treated for a traumatic head wound that causes him to blurt out his most intimate thoughts.

  • Poster for Bad Boys

    Bad Boys 0.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-12-19

    Sinopsis: A young man has a motorcycle accident, and goes into a coma. After a round of tests it is discovered that he is responsive to the sound of his girfriend's voice. Adrianne had a relationship like this when she was young. Hanson has to convince his daughter that it is okay that her mother sells their house.

  • Poster for The Cutting Edge

    The Cutting Edge 0.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-12-26

    Sinopsis: Dr. Hanson's mentor makes a surprise visit. Adrienne tries to help a woman whose brain tumor is threatening her already shaky marriage.

  • Poster for Plugged In

    Plugged In 0.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2006-12-26

    Sinopsis: Hanson decides to do a cutting edge procedure on a man who is suffering from severe clinical depression. He cannot be cured with medication.



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