Hitler: El reinado del mal (Temporada 1)

Durante la República de Weimar (1919-1933) , el joven Adolf Hitler se da cuenta de que es necesario encontrar un culpable al que atribuir la pavorosa crisis económica de Alemania: las condiciones del Tratado de Versalles y sobre todo los judíos, elegidos como el chivo expiatorio de la situación. Así fue como los alemanes, víctimas de un miedo irracional, se echaron en brazos del partido nacionalsocialista dirigido por un solo hombre. En 1933, Adolf Hitler subió al poder tras ganar las elecciones de manera abrumadora

  • Poster for Episode 1

    Episode 1 7.0

    Fecha de emisión: 2003-05-18

    Duración: 88 min

    Sinopsis: After the end of the First World War, the soldier Hitler accepted the offer to infiltrate the German Workers' Party. But the party's nationalism and anti-Semitism fit perfectly into his sick worldview. He stoked the fire of hatred with the mythical legends of a superior Aryan race. Hitler gained a foothold in politics and began to ruthlessly seize more and more power. When the flames consumed the Reichstag in 1933, democracy in Germany was also lost. Now Hitler could no longer be stopped.

  • Poster for Episode 2

    Episode 2 6.3

    Fecha de emisión: 2003-05-20

    Duración: 88 min

    Sinopsis: After the attempted coup on November 9, 1923, Hitler (Robert Carlyle) served nine months in prison and wrote "Mein Kampf". Once free again, he focused on "legal" political work. By 1932, his NSDAP was already the strongest faction in the Reichstag. In January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg (Emmy nominee: Peter O'Toole). After Hitler's death on August 2, 1934, he finally achieved absolute power. Robert Carlyle's brilliant interpretation of Hitler is in no way inferior to Bruno Ganz's.

Hitler: The Rise of Evil


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