6.1The Nutcracker and the Mouseking

The fairytale story revolves around a young prince who - along with his entourage - is turned into a nutcracker through his own ungrateful and selfish behaviour, and awaits a kindly soul who'll release him from the spell. The mouse-king seeks the magic that made this happen so that he can become all-powerful. The prince (now a nutcracker) finds hope in the form of a girl who risks everything to help him become real again, while the mouse-king and his armies do everything they can to steal the magic for themselves.


オンラインで見る duckduckgo


製作国GermanyRussiaUnited KingdomUnited States of America


Argus International

MC One Animation

The Nutcracker and the Mouseking

類似 - The Nutcracker and the Mouseking
