Aprender a envejecer (シーズン 9)

Let's get started, Welcome!

Learning to age gives a new meaning to old age, not as the end of life, but the beginning of a new stage that we can design to be enriching and enjoyable.

  • Poster for La persona mayor en la voz del Consejo Ciudadano clear   48 / 5,000 Translation results star_border The older person in the voice of the Citizen Council.

    La persona mayor en la voz del Consejo Ciudadano clear 48 / 5,000 Translation results star_border The older person in the voice of the Citizen Council. 0.0

    放送日: 2021-10-03

    上映時間: 180 min

    概要: The Citizen Council is committed to supporting and protecting the dignity and safety of older adults, it has support lines to channel help. Meet him.

Learn to Grow Old

