時効警察 (シーズン 0)

『時効が成立した事件を“趣味で”捜査する総武署時効管理課の警察官・霧山(オダギリ ジョー)の活躍を描く、新しいコメディーミステリー。“時効成立した事件を趣味で捜査”という斬新な発想を軸に、“霧山VS逃げ切った犯人”というミステリー要素と、そこかしこに散りばめられた笑いのエッセンスが共存するドラマ。脚本・ 監督には三木聡、岩松了、園子温、ケラリーノ・サンドロヴィッチら、映画界・演劇界の奇才たち。映画、ドラマ、CMなど多方面で活躍するオダギリが、彼らとの豪華コラボレーションを実現する。何となく見ているうちに、何となくやみつきになってしまうドラマなのだ!』

  • Poster for Jikō keisatsu fukkatsu special

    Jikō keisatsu fukkatsu special 0.0

    放送日: 2019-09-29

    上映時間: 102 min

    概要: A man who investigates a case that became aging with a "hobby", Shūichirō Kiriyama. One day after the legendary man was dispatched to the FBI, he suddenly entered the aging management section of the Sobu police station Came back. Moreover, Kiriyama became interested in the "Urashima Gas Station Fire Case" that occurred 24 years ago. In this incident, a gas station in a lonely port town, Urashima Town, burned down, and then a big explosion occurred, and a severely burned dead body was found in the burnt mark. The police decided at the time that the corpse was holding the buttons and physique of the uniform, and the victim decided with former high school student Koji Sawamura and investigated the possibility of accident, murder, suicide, but the truth was dark. It remains covered. At least nine years ago, the murder was aged just a day before it was abolished.

  • Poster for Episode 2

    Episode 2 0.0

    放送日: 2019-10-18

    上映時間: 60 min

  • Poster for Episode 3

    Episode 3 0.0

    放送日: 2019-10-25

    上映時間: 60 min

  • Poster for Episode 4

    Episode 4 0.0

    放送日: 2019-11-22

    上映時間: 60 min

  • Poster for Episode 5

    Episode 5 0.0

    放送日: 2019-11-29

    上映時間: 60 min

Time Limit Investigator

