十二国記 (シーズン 4)

どこにでもいる普通の女子高生だった中嶋陽子。そんな彼女の目の前に、「ケイキ」と名のる謎の青年が現れたことから、物語は始まった――。  ケイキに連れられたどり着いた異世界。陽子は、ケイキとはぐれ、なぜここに連れてこられたのか、なぜ妖魔に襲われるのか、様々な疑問を抱きながら、また蒼猿という幻に、焦燥や疑い、不安を駆り立てられ誰も信じられず辛く孤独な旅を続けた。やがて、楽俊という友に出会い、助けられ心癒された陽子は、同時にこの異世界のことについて知っていく。  ケイキが、慶という国の麒麟であること、また自分がその景麒に選ばれた慶国の王であるということも・・・。 やがて、陽子は慶国の偽王・舒栄をたて慶国が自国より富むことを怖れた巧国の王・塙王の真意を知る。失道の病にたおれながら、塙王の行いを諌めようとした塙麟の死を目の当たりにした陽子は、偽王・舒栄から捕われた景麒を奪還することを決意。  雁国の王、延王・尚隆や延麒・六太の力を得て、景麒を助け出すことができた。そして陽子は、慶国の王としてこの異世界で生きていくことを選ぶ。  慶国王・赤子陽子。彼女の異世界での新たな物語が始まる――。

  • Poster for The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Chapter One

    The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Chapter One 0.0

    放送日: 2003-07-26

    上映時間: 25 min

    概要: Shouryuu begins his tale about Atsuyu, an officer of Gen State who raised a rebelliion against his rule. And of Koya, a boy that was raised by a pack of monsters.

  • Poster for The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Chapter Two

    The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Chapter Two 0.0

    放送日: 2003-08-02

    上映時間: 25 min

    概要: Shouryuu continues his tale of Atsuyu. With Rokuta held captive in Gen State, Atsuyu sends a messenger to Shouryuu at Kankyuu, to give him his terms.

  • Poster for The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Chapter Three

    The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Chapter Three 0.0

    放送日: 2003-08-16

    上映時間: 25 min

    概要: The river embankment is under construction causing Atsuyu to fear that the king is attempting to flood his town. Rokuta discovers Atsuyu's father, Genkai, weakened and locked in a cell.

  • Poster for The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Final Chapter

    The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Final Chapter 0.0

    放送日: 2003-08-23

    上映時間: 25 min

    概要: Atsuya loses support from his people when the people rebel against Atsuya's army for attempting to destroy the dam that the king had ordered his men to built. Later face to face with the King of En, Atsuya is given a choice to either surrender or to take the throne by a one to one sword battle.

  • Poster for The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West  - Reminiscence Chapter

    The God of the Sea in the East, the Mighty Ocean in the West - Reminiscence Chapter 0.0

    放送日: 2003-08-30

    上映時間: 25 min

    概要: En-O concludes his tale of Tatsuyu and the Gen State rebellion.

The Twelve Kingdoms

