勇者王ガオガイガー (シーズン 0)

At last, the true Brave that we've been waiting for has been born. The name is...The King of Braves, GaoGaiGar!

1997年の冬の日、天海夫妻の目の前に謎のメカライオン・ギャレオンが飛来。夫妻に1人の赤子を託し、飛び去って行った。 2003年、高校生宇宙飛行士・獅子王凱が乗るスペースシャトルスピリッツ号は宇宙空間で機界生命体ゾンダーの宇宙船と衝突。凱は瀕死の重傷を負いながらもギャレオンに助け出され、地球に帰還。その手には緑色の宝石・Gストーンが握られており、凱の父・獅子王麗雄はGストーンを用いて、凱をサイボーグとして蘇生させる。 2年後の2005年。地下に潜伏しているゾンダーは地球侵攻を開始。対ゾンダー用に組織された地球防衛勇者隊GGGも出撃し、その一員となった凱は対ゾンダー用の巨大ロボ・ガオガイガーとなる。その圧倒的なパワーで敵を破壊。敵の核を壊そうとしたガオガイガーの前に羽を持った緑の髪の少年が現れ、核を元の人間へと戻す。彼こそが天海夫妻の手で育てられた赤ん坊が成長した姿、天海護であった。浄解能力を持つ護をGGG特別隊員に加え、GGGは地球防衛の戦いを続けていく。 幹部である機界四天王と上官であるパスダーを倒したのも束の間、ゾンダーの本隊である機界31原種と対原種を目的としたジェイアーク隊が出現。宇宙防衛勇者隊に再編成されたGGGは三つ巴の戦いを繰り広げていく。 戦いの最中、全ては三重連太陽系の紫の星のシステムの暴走から始まり、護とギャレオンは緑の星、ジェイアーク隊は赤の星の生き残りであることが判明。 GGGとジェイアーク隊は共闘の末に原種を打ち破るもジェイアーク隊は消息を絶つ。さらにパスダーの手で種子を埋め込まれていたGGG隊員・卯都木命が機界新種ゾヌーダに変貌。Gストーンの力も寄せ付けないゾヌーダの前に倒れていく勇者たちだったが凱の決死の浄解で命は救われ、凱も生機融合体への進化を果たす。事件後、護は他の星で機界新種の脅威にさらされている人々を救う為、ギャレオンと共に宇宙へと旅立った。

  • Poster for The King of Braves is Reborn!

    The King of Braves is Reborn! 0.0

    放送日: 2000-01-21

    上映時間: 30 min

  • Poster for God of Destruction! Decisive Battle in the Storm!

    God of Destruction! Decisive Battle in the Storm! 0.0

    放送日: 2000-03-23

    上映時間: 30 min

    概要: Mamoru takes the rest of the Q-Parts, either by guile or by force, and assembles them into their full form, a matter replication device known as the Pas-Q Machine. In the process, Papillon is killed, and Guy takes after Mamoru. The encounter ends in a battle between GaoFighGar and a copy of GaoGaiGar using Mamoru and a bleached version of Galeon as the core component. The battle ends in Guy's victory (at the cost of the helper robo Goldymarg, causing Guy to use Hell and Heaven as his finishing move once again), and both Mamoru and Galeon are revealed to be replicants that dissolve into sand. The machine is promptly taken by a mysterious man with butterfly wings, and GGG prepares to take after him into space.

  • Poster for GGG's Pursuit Command

    GGG's Pursuit Command 0.0

    放送日: 2000-07-26

    上映時間: 30 min

    概要: In order to get around the United Nations' refusal to allow them to leave Earth, Gutsy Galaxy Guard stages an elaborate ploy together with their related organizations and the Secretary General of the UN, Rose Approval. The result is that three of GGG's Division ships and their crew (that is, the entirety of the main cast) are exiled from Earth, and are free to follow Ikumi Kaidou's directions to the Trinary Solar System. Their enemy is revealed to be the 11 Planetary Masters of Sol, programs designed to regenerate the Trinary Solar System after the Z-Master was eradicated.

  • Poster for The King of Braves' Last Stand!

    The King of Braves' Last Stand! 0.0

    放送日: 2000-12-06

    上映時間: 30 min

    概要: GGG arrives in the Trinary Solar System to find a replica of Earth - like all the previous replicants, this is an off-color version. Its only inhabitant is a replica of Papillon Noir, who reveals that this replica of Earth was created moments prior to her original's death by a misfire of the Pas-Q Machine. As it is only part of the complete regeneration machine, the Pas-Q Machine can only produce imperfect duplicates. Papillon was the only human duplicate that was stable enough to survive for more than a few seconds. The Galeon and Mamoru previously met were also Pas-Q Machine duplicates.

  • Poster for Resurrection of the White Ark

    Resurrection of the White Ark 0.0

    放送日: 2001-10-24

    上映時間: 30 min

    概要: Guy finishes his fight with Palparepa, followed by Mikoto's awakening from her slumber. Papillon reveals that Mikoto is an invincible lifeform like the new machine species Zonuda, and thus was able to recover from the nerve-relaxing Paras Particles Palparepa had spread across the Repli-Earth. Papillon begins work on an antidote, while Mikoto goes to find the imprisoned Soldato J, now mankind's last hope. In the process, she meets the real Mamoru, who had been in the Trinary Solar System for a year and a half. Upon meeting and freeing J (with the help of Renais), Mikoto is attacked by the Sol Masters Pillnus and Pia Decem, respectively Renais and J's counterparts. The heroes escape on the reborn J-Ark, which is dragged up into the upper atmosphere and forced to do battle with replicants of the entire Mobile Unit and a replica of GaoFighGar piloted by none other than Guy, now under Palparepa's control.

  • Poster for My Name is Genesic

    My Name is Genesic 0.0

    放送日: 2002-04-03

    上映時間: 30 min

  • Poster for Super Brave Apocalypse

    Super Brave Apocalypse 0.0

    放送日: 2002-09-21

    上映時間: 30 min

    概要: Genesic GaoGaiGar demonstrates its sheer destructive power against the 11 Planetary Masters of Sol. The Gutsy Galaxy Guard arrives partway into the battle, cured of the influence of Paras Particles. The members of the Mobile Unit (as well as J-Ark) end up faced off against their counterparts, with Soldato J's power being restored and enhanced by proximity to Renais Kerdif-Shishioh's G-Stone. The battles end up spread across the entire Repli-Earth, and Genesic GaoGaiGar's fight with Palparepa is shown to be very one-sided until Palparepa powers up by injecting himself with his own Doping Cylinders. The episode ends with Palparepa using his improved God and Devil as Guy unveils the true form of Hell and Heaven.

  • Poster for Mythology

    Mythology 0.0

    放送日: 2003-03-21

    上映時間: 30 min

The King of Braves GaoGaiGar

