前田一也は、光河学園に通う高校2年生。特に心が沸き立つこともなく、平凡に夏休みが終わろうとしている。そんな、夏休み最後の夜。一也は父親からデジタル一眼レフカメラを譲り受けた。これまで、デジカメには特に興味がなかった一也だが、いざ手にしてみると、そのずっしりとした手応えと、機能美に魅了された。もともと、いわゆるデジモノが好きなのだ。「とりあえず、明日、学校へ持って行って、何か撮ってみるか」 代わり映えのしない毎日に、変化が生まれた瞬間だった…。
前田一也は、光河学園に通う高校2年生。特に心が沸き立つこともなく、平凡に夏休みが終わろうとしている。そんな、夏休み最後の夜。一也は父親からデジタル一眼レフカメラを譲り受けた。これまで、デジカメには特に興味がなかった一也だが、いざ手にしてみると、そのずっしりとした手応えと、機能美に魅了された。もともと、いわゆるデジモノが好きなのだ。「とりあえず、明日、学校へ持って行って、何か撮ってみるか」 代わり映えのしない毎日に、変化が生まれた瞬間だった…。
放送日: 2013-04-05
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Kazuya's father gave him a digital camera on the last day of summer vacation.He takes it to school with him, believing that it will change his life.
放送日: 2013-04-12
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Now that Kazuya is a member of the Photography Club, he has been taking pictures right and left.
放送日: 2013-04-19
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Kazuya is getting to know the girls around school. He learns of Aki's surprising past and helps her naughty side blossom.
放送日: 2013-04-26
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Kazuya is taking full advantage of his blackmail material on Aki Muroto. If she wants certain pictures kept hidden, she has to do anything he says.
放送日: 2013-05-03
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Kazuya and Haruka's relationship seemed to be headed straight from childhood friends to boyfriend girlfriend, at least for a while. But now with everyone insisting that Haruka can do better, maybe it's time Kazuya let her go...
放送日: 2013-05-10
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Kazuya and Haruka are able to kiss and make up, but Kazuya isn't in the clear yet.
放送日: 2013-05-17
上映時間: 23 min
放送日: 2013-05-24
上映時間: 23 min
概要: As Kazuya blackmails Aki with his picture of her sneaking onto campus, he begins to catch snippets of her true self. She is the stern Student Body President, the young lady who loves to dive and an insecure girl...
放送日: 2013-05-31
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Nonoka has two goals at the moment. The first is the master the rise ball.
放送日: 2013-06-07
上映時間: 23 min
放送日: 2013-06-14
上映時間: 23 min
概要: After trying one of Rina's hamburgers, Kazuya promises to help recruit members for the Cooking Workshop.
放送日: 2013-06-21
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Tomoe is unhappy with herself and tries to remain aloof, but Kazuya won't stand for that. He wants to make Tomoe realize that she isn't plain and help her make friends. But what if there is a reason why she tries to remain invisible...
放送日: 2013-06-28
上映時間: 23 min
概要: Kazuya has a big problem. While his parents are gone on a trip for Europe, he realizes that he might have the hots for his younger sister, Kanon.