ドクターは元々ガリフレイ(Gallifrey)という惑星に棲むタイムロード(Time Lord)という種族だった。タイムロードは外見は人間と同じだが、心臓を2個持ち、体が重度の損害を受けた場合は少なくとも12回まで別の体に再生(Regeneration)できる能力を持つ非常に長命な種である。また彼らはターディス(TARDIS:Time And Relative Dimension In Space の略)というタイムマシンにより、宇宙のあらゆる場所、時代に行けるほど高度な文明力を持つ。ただし、自分たちの高い技術を他種族に知られることを恐れて基本的には宇宙で起こる事件に関しては不干渉主義を貫いていた。ドクターはそうした官僚主義的な状態に反発して、修理中のターディスを盗み出して出奔し、数々の冒険を重ねていくことになった。
The Halloween Apocalypse 7.3
放送日: 2021-10-31
上映時間: 51 min
概要: On Halloween, all across the universe, terrifying forces are stirring. The life of Dan Lewis is about to change forever. Why is the Doctor chasing Karvanista? What is the Flux?
War of the Sontarans 7.4
放送日: 2021-11-07
上映時間: 60 min
概要: In the Crimean War, the Doctor discovers the British army fighting a brutal alien army of Sontarans, as Yaz and Dan are thrown deeper into a battle for survival. What is the Temple of Atropos? Who are the Mouri?
Once, Upon Time 6.6
放送日: 2021-11-14
上映時間: 50 min
概要: 'Time is beginning to run wild.' On a planet that shouldn’t exist, in the aftermath of apocalypse, the Doctor, Dan, Yaz and Vinder face a battle to survive.
Village of the Angels 7.7
放送日: 2021-11-21
上映時間: 57 min
概要: Devon, November 1967. A little girl has gone missing, Professor Eustacius Jericho is conducting psychic experiments, and in the village graveyard, there is one gravestone too many. Why is Medderton known as the Cursed Village, and what do the Weeping Angels want?
Survivors of the Flux 6.6
放送日: 2021-11-28
上映時間: 51 min
概要: As the forces of evil mass, the Doctor, Yaz and Dan face perilous journeys and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their quest for survival.
The Vanquishers 6.3
放送日: 2021-12-05
上映時間: 60 min
概要: In the final epic chapter in the story of the Flux, all hope is lost. The forces of darkness are in control. But when the monsters have won, who can you count upon to save the universe?