HEROES REBORN/ヒーローズ・リボーン (シーズン 0)

A new phenomenon begins

世界を救え。 運命は再び彼らの手に委ねられる。 不死身のチアリーダー、クレアがカメラの前で能力者の存在を告白してから5年。テキサス州オデッサで、能力者と人間たちが世界各地から集まり、人類共存を目指す平和サミットが開催される。しかし突然爆発テロが起き、会場は一瞬にして壊滅、多くの犠牲者を出す惨劇と化す。爆破テロの首謀者はモヒンダー・スレシュだと発表された。そのテロ事件以来、共存を目指していた両者の関係性は一変、能力者たちは危険な存在として扱われ、政府は能力者の登録を義務化。彼らは、人目を避けて暮らすことに。能力者“イヴォ”であるとわかれば、自警団に殺されるか、警察に連行されてしまうのだ。だが、特殊能力に突然目覚める者は減るどころか、次々と現れるのだった。オデッサのテロ事件は多くの人々に深い傷を残した。ノア・ベネットもその一人だった。 追われる身となった能力者たち。あのヒーローたちに、一体何が起こったのか。人類に再び危機が迫るとき、彼らは再び立ち上がるのか。そして、彼らに迫る真の敵とは!?

  • Poster for Dark Matters Chapter 1: Where Are the Heroes?

    Dark Matters Chapter 1: Where Are the Heroes? 0.0

    放送日: 2015-07-13

    上映時間: 6 min

    概要: It's been five years since the public became aware of the existence of evolved humans or "EVOs" who possess incredible, supernatural abilities. In that time, the public has grown to either fear or revere EVOs. An online community forms around the rallying cry of the anonymous Hero_Truther, who seeks to humanize EVOs in the wake of lies, slander and fear mongering. Among those posting their personal stories is Phoebe Frady, who is encouraged to document her origin story by her brother, Quentin. But as Phoebe struggles to control her power, she attracts unwanted attention from a mysterious new company. The prequel series begins as the mysterious Hero_Truther puts out a rallying cry for EVOs to declare themselves by telling personal stories in the wake of lies and fearmongering. This prompts Phoebe Frady to reveal to her brother, Quentin, that she can manipulate shadows.

  • Poster for Dark Matters Chapter 2: Phoebe

    Dark Matters Chapter 2: Phoebe 5.0

    放送日: 2015-07-13

    上映時間: 8 min

    概要: Quentin encourages Phoebe to continue documenting her story when she begins college, where she becomes fast friends with her roommate Aly (Greta Onieogou). As Phoebe's power grows, she discovers that there's much more to her ability than she initially realized, but Quentin worries that it may be too much for her to handle.

  • Poster for Dark Matters Chapter 3: Registered

    Dark Matters Chapter 3: Registered 5.0

    放送日: 2015-07-13

    上映時間: 7 min

    概要: After a pro-EVO demonstration at the college gets out of hand, Phoebe is arrested and forced to register in a national database. When Phoebe is approached by Harris (Clé Bennett) with a job offer at the fast-growing tech company named Renautas, it raises Quentin's suspicions.

  • Poster for Dark Matters Chapter 4: June 13th

    Dark Matters Chapter 4: June 13th 5.0

    放送日: 2015-07-13

    上映時間: 5 min

    概要: Phoebe goes missing after an argument with Quentin over her ongoing nightmares.

  • Poster for Dark Matters Chapter 5: Renautas

    Dark Matters Chapter 5: Renautas 5.0

    放送日: 2015-07-13

    上映時間: 12 min

    概要: In the wake of tragic events on June 13th, Quentin refuses to believe his sister was involved in the attacks and believes Renautas was behind Phoebe's abduction.

  • Poster for Dark Matters Chapter 6: Where the Truth Lies

    Dark Matters Chapter 6: Where the Truth Lies 5.0

    放送日: 2015-07-13

    上映時間: 6 min

    概要: Hero_Truther's true identity is revealed when Quentin brings him evidence that connects Renautas to the Primatech Paper Company, leading Quentin to track down a former Primatech employee: Noah Bennet aka HRG (Jack Coleman).

  • Poster for Damen Peak

    Damen Peak 5.0

    放送日: 2015-11-19

    上映時間: 43 min

    概要: Joanne Collins continues on her pursuit of Damen Peak. He notices that she is following her, so he quickly maneuvers around the streets. Damen parks his car hoping that Joanne would not know where he went. However, his wife calls him over the car phone. As he tries to talk quietly, she insists on talking to him. Joanne realizes where Damen is hiding and so he drives away.

  • Poster for Damen Peak: A New Target

    Damen Peak: A New Target 5.0

    放送日: 2015-11-19

    上映時間: 43 min

    概要: Joanne Collins begins a recording, most likely to Renautas. She is speaking about her new target, Damen Peak. Damen is seen having a meeting with Jim and others. He claims that he has enjoyed getting to know Jim and is glad that Jim trusts him with his dreams and fears. Damen persuades Jim to agree with him. They all get up and leave the meeting. Damen leaves the building in his Cadillac CTS as Joanne begins to follow him.

  • Poster for Damen Peak: A Modest Talent

    Damen Peak: A Modest Talent 5.0

    放送日: 2016-01-07

    上映時間: 43 min

    概要: As Damen and Lilly leave the house, he tells her that someone is attempting to kill him. She asks him why as Joanne Collins shows up and claims that it is because he is an evo. She points a gun at them and Damen asks her to stop. He uses his ability of persuasion to try to get her to stop. Damen claims that he is just a human being with a modest talent. He asks Joanne if she has a talent and she replies that she is a good shot. Damen persuades Joanne with his mind to just walk away. Joanne walks away, leaving them unharmed.

Heroes Reborn

