コンフィデンスマンJP (シーズン 1)

この物語の主人公・ダー子 は年齢不詳、正体不明、とにかく規格外で無軌道なコンフィデンスウーマン。お金とファッションとおいしい食べ物に目がない、やや天然な女性。都内の高級ホテルのスイートルームに居を構え、業界を牛耳る悪徳大富豪たちをターゲットに日夜、詐欺の計画を練っています。彼女の目的は、彼らのばく大な財産を根こそぎだまし取ること。行動を共にするのは真面目で小心者の若きコンフィデンスマン・ボクちゃん と、百戦錬磨のベテランコンフィデンスマン・リチャード 。このチームが、悪徳企業のドンやマフィアのボスなど欲望にまみれた金の亡者たちから、あらゆる手段を使って金を巻き上げようとチームとして動きます。武器は、ダー子の天才的知能と抜群の集中力。彼女は、あらゆる職業の専門知識を短期間でマスターし、さまざまな職業人になりすまします。彼らは、抜群のチームワークで常識外れの作戦を仕掛け、一度狙ったターゲットは絶対に逃しません。だまし、だまされ、時には味方さえ欺くことも。彼らが、どんな奇想天外なトリックでターゲットから巧妙に金を奪うのか。予想もつかないだまし合いの始まりです!

  • Poster for The Godfather

    The Godfather 8.0

    放送日: 2018-04-09

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Dahko (Masami Nagasawa) is a confidence woman who is able to master any kind of specialist knowledge in a short period of time, through her intelligence and focusing ability. Often residing inside the sweet room of luxury hotels, she's a woman of extravagant personality. Her sidekicks are an earnest and timid young confidence man, Bokuchan (Masahiro Higashide) and hard-bitten veteran confidence man Richard (Fumiyo Kohinata). In this opening episode, Dahko targets a wealthy chairman of a public interest incorporated foundation "AKABOSHI." Despite his good reputation in public, he has connections with the underground society which proves pivotal for Dahko and the team.

  • Poster for The Queen of Resorts

    The Queen of Resorts 8.0

    放送日: 2018-04-16

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Dahko (Masami Nagasawa), Bokuchan (Masahiro Higashide) and Richard (Fumiyo Kohinata) fails, after trying to deceive a group of mafia. After eventually being hunted down by the group, they manage to successfully lose sight of them. Meanwhile, an exhausted Bokuchan comes out saying that he wants to have nothing to do with them anymore. In order to find a proper job, he leaves, for a hot spring resort, so that he could work at a local hotel. However, ever since a large hotel had opened nearby, the hotel had been struggling with management issues.

  • Poster for The Art Dealer

    The Art Dealer 8.0

    放送日: 2018-04-23

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Bokuchan (Masahiro Higashide) meets Yuki, a part time worker at the cafe. Eventually, he realizes that Yuki had almost been forced into a point of suicide by a famous art critic. After hearing this, he immediately decides to target his wealth. As his side kick, he asks Richard (Fumiyo Kohinata) for help, trying to keep it a secret from Dahko. However, this secrecy doesn’t last long, as Richard spills the beans to her.

  • Poster for The Movie Mania

    The Movie Mania 0.0

    放送日: 2018-04-30

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Dahko (Masami Nagasawa) finds out that one of the plant managers for a food production company is intending on making an indictment about its company’s production camouflage, which had made false statements about the origins of the eels used for their production. However, due to threats from the company’s president, he is stopped from coming out with the claim.

  • Poster for The Super Doctor

    The Super Doctor 0.0

    放送日: 2018-05-07

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Dahko (Masami Nagasawa) and her team decide to target a chief director of a major hospital, who had fired one of the surgeons that had operated for Richard’s appendicitis operation. As a former model, the director had succeeded her deceased husband’s hospital, whilst capitalizing on her high-class position in society.

  • Poster for The Ancient Relic

    The Ancient Relic 0.0

    放送日: 2018-05-14

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: While on a bicycle trip on his own, Bokuchan comes across a village of many colors. There he gets allured by a delicious ramen shop owned by a married couple. The couple had been delighted with the prospective construction of a shopping district which sells regional food specific to the village. However, after coming back to the village two years later, Bokuchan realizes that this construction project had changed to something completely unexpected.

  • Poster for The Family

    The Family 0.0

    放送日: 2018-05-21

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Dahko and Bokuchan receive valuable information about one of Richard’s connections. A year earlier, his connection made an attempt to steal one of Richard’s wallet at a bar, however she had failed. Since then, whilst working in many kinds of jobs at night, she had become a pickpocket. Richard, who occasionally meets up with her, has time and time again tried to convince her, to live a style of life which is more ordinary, however, after failing to listen to what he has to say, a number of times, she gets handed out a prison sentence.

  • Poster for The Beauty Charisma

    The Beauty Charisma 0.0

    放送日: 2018-05-28

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Dahko and Bokuchan are asked a favor from Richard, which involves targeting a doctor, and a former model called Mika. Previously, Richard had been going to a Men’s Este managed by an individual called Honoka. However, when Honoka had transferred to Mika’s company, she had been receiving strict training from her, eventually being forced to quit her company. Knowing that Richard is a “lawyer”, she records some of the aggressive words thrown out by Mika on a voice recorder, and passes it on to him as evidence, hoping that she could receive compensation payments.

  • Poster for The Sports

    The Sports 0.0

    放送日: 2018-06-04

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Dahko, Bokuchan and Richard decide to target the president of an IT company, as a part of their con games. Famous for creating a popular software application, the president is also into sports, having purchased many professional sports clubs. However, the eventual exploitation of his high status, has resulted in many unreasonable power games.

  • Poster for The Confidence Man

    The Confidence Man 0.0

    放送日: 2018-06-11

    上映時間: 54 min

    概要: Bokuchan distances himself away from his team, after telling Dahko and Richard, that they no longer need to continue with their con games, as they have now earned enough. A whole year passes, and Bokuchan is now working at a moving company, where he becomes good friends with one of its new employees. After various talks with his new co-worker, he realizes that he had been linked to a complicated situation, for which he is forced to investigate.

The Confidence Man JP

