Топить в вине бушующее пламя печали (Сезон 1)

Настали времена, когда среди вполне обычных людей появились индивиды, обладающие сверхъестественными способностями. И не просто появились, а вполне активно функционируют, не заботясь о последствиях своих действий. Такое положение дел потребовало создания специального управления, которое призвано улаживать всевозможные проблемы, связанные с аномалиями, неподвластными современной науке и технике. Начальником одного из подразделений Управления назначили недавно переведённого Сюань Цзи, который должен разобраться с хаосом, воцарившимся после возрождения императора Шэн Линъюаня, погибшего несколько тысяч лет назад. Причём, похоже, что всё происходящее неслучайно, и пока Шэн Линъюань и Сюань Цзи пытаются не вспоминать, связывающие их события из далёкого прошлого, прямо у них под носом зреет зловещий заговор, грозящий уничтожить равновесие сил в мире.

  • Poster for Demon Sheng Lingyuan

    Demon Sheng Lingyuan 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-10-07

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: A group of backpackers was attacked by strange things in a restricted area. Xuan Ji, who just joined the Center dealing with supernaturals, was put in charge of the case. As he's investigating, he found out forbidden arts were used to summon a demon.

  • Poster for Thousand Spirits Array

    Thousand Spirits Array 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-10-07

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Summoning a demon demands a sacrifice of 1000 people within a month, and the Center only have a few hours to stop the spell from completion. They raced against the clock to locate the mastermind behind the spell. However...

  • Poster for Illusory Butterfly

    Illusory Butterfly 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-10-14

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Summoning a demon demands a sacrifice of 1000 people within a month, and the Center only have a few hours to stop the spell from completion. They raced against the clock to locate the mastermind behind the spell. However...

  • Poster for The Spirit in Sword

    The Spirit in Sword 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-10-21

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Summoning a demon demands a sacrifice of 1000 people within a month, and the Center only have a few hours to stop the spell from completion. They raced against the clock to locate the mastermind behind the spell. However...

  • Poster for Reincarnation

    Reincarnation 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-10-28

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Summoning a demon demands a sacrifice of 1000 people within a month, and the Center only have a few hours to stop the spell from completion. They raced against the clock to locate the mastermind behind the spell. However...

  • Poster for Aloujin

    Aloujin 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-11-04

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Summoning a demon demands a sacrifice of 1000 people within a month, and the Center only have a few hours to stop the spell from completion. They raced against the clock to locate the mastermind behind the spell. However...

  • Poster for Retrospection

    Retrospection 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-11-11

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: 3000 years ago, Sheng Lingyuan was a young prince that was hunted by the fiends. In his most desperate moment, he was rescued by the Wu people living in Dongzhou, and there he met the young Aluojin. Thus begun their friendship and eventual falling out...

  • Poster for Truth

    Truth 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-11-18

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: 3000 years ago, Sheng Lingyuan was a young prince that was hunted by the fiends. In his most desperate moment, he was rescued by the Wu people living in Dongzhou, and there he met the young Aluojin. Thus begun their friendship and eventual falling out...

  • Poster for Escape

    Escape 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-11-25

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Aeolus arrived as back up to the Aftermath Response Team, and together they managed to locate Xuan Ji. However, they were ambushed by Elder Yuede's forces, and the attack blew apart the hill and released thousands of mutated butterflies into open air.

  • Poster for Firekeeper

    Firekeeper 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-12-02

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Aeolus arrived as back up to the Aftermath Response Team, and together they managed to locate Xuan Ji. However, they were ambushed by Elder Yuede's forces, and the attack blew apart the hill and released thousands of mutated butterflies into open air.

  • Poster for Episode 11

    Episode 11 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-12-09

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Aeolus arrived as back up to the Aftermath Response Team, and together they managed to locate Xuan Ji. However, they were ambushed by Elder Yuede's forces, and the attack blew apart the hill and released thousands of mutated butterflies into open air.

  • Poster for Episode 12

    Episode 12 0.0

    Дата выхода: 2021-12-16

    Продолжительность: 20 min

    Описание: Aeolus arrived as back up to the Aftermath Response Team, and together they managed to locate Xuan Ji. However, they were ambushed by Elder Yuede's forces, and the attack blew apart the hill and released thousands of mutated butterflies into open air.

Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire


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