Рим (Сезон 0)

Every city has its secrets.

Действие сериала начинается в 52 году до н.э., когда Гай Юлий Цезарь завоевывает Галлию после восьмилетней войны и готовится возвращаться в Рим. Племянница Цезаря Атия с тревогой ждет его возвращения, патриции в отчаянии — они боятся, что возвращение Цезаря нарушит сложившийся статус-кво, что благополучие, которое они построили за счет плебса, будет подорвано. В сенате лидеры партии патрициев убеждают старого друга Цезаря, Помпея Великого, что Цезарь стал угрозой для процветания Рима. В это время два незадачливых легионера, Люций Варен и Тит Пуло, затевают авантюру, которая, в случае успеха, значительно повысит их благосостояние. Чем ближе легионы Цезаря продвигаются к Риму, тем больше растет напряжение между солдатами и мирными жителями, тем ближе к развязке конфликт, который навсегда изменит историю…

  • Poster for The Rise of Rome

    The Rise of Rome 5.0

    Дата выхода: 2005-08-11

    Продолжительность: 24 min

    Описание: This special promo includes clips, interviews and behind-the-scenes footage that provide an insider's view of the process of making the series.

  • Poster for When In Rome

    When In Rome 0.0

    Продолжительность: 23 min

    Описание: An in-depth look at the historical accuracy of the series and its portrayal of Rome's religious practices, women, brutality, slaves, citizenry, culture, and political turmoil.

  • Poster for Friends, Romans, Countrymen

    Friends, Romans, Countrymen 0.0

    Описание: A clip-heavy EPK that introduces and examines the many characters of Rome. It's heavy on plot synopsis and base analysis, but makes succinct work of the first season's themes, heroes, soldiers, women, and storylines.

  • Poster for Shot by Shot: Caesar's Triumph

    Shot by Shot: Caesar's Triumph 0.0

    Описание: Entire documentaries aren't usually devoted to a single scene, but when it involves as much spectacle and psychological nuance as Caesar's turning point, it certainly deserves it. Key members of the cast and crew offer their thoughts on director Alan Taylor's contributions, the tone of the sequence, the framing of several shots, and the planning that went into making it the successful scene it is.

  • Poster for Shot by Shot: Gladiator

    Shot by Shot: Gladiator 0.0

    Описание: Another thorough "Shot × Shot" documentary focuses on a tricky gladiator battle, the weapons and armor crafted for the sequence, the composition of its shots, the scope of the sets, and the production team's practical and CG effects.

  • Poster for A Tale of Two Romes

    A Tale of Two Romes 0.0

    Продолжительность: 21 min

    Описание: 753 BC, the date historians traditionally assign to the founding of Rome, is at the heart of this historical documentary. Stamp discusses the origin of the city's rivalries, the dangers faced by its citizenry, the empire's revolving-door of power, early clashes between the Jews and the Romans, and the vulgarity, brutality, and graffiti that filled the streets.

  • Poster for The Making of "Rome": Season II

    The Making of "Rome": Season II 0.0

    Описание: This second season doc focuses on the differences between Rome's seasons, the series' new characters, and the expanding scope of the show.

  • Poster for The Rise of Octavian: Rome's First Emperor

    The Rise of Octavian: Rome's First Emperor 0.0

    Описание: Stamp helms yet another historical overview, this one focused on Octavian, that mixes fact with production details to create an absorbing documentary.

  • Poster for Antony and Cleopatra

    Antony and Cleopatra 0.0

    Описание: A short but satisfying look at history's so-called greatest love story, the series' approach to Antony and Cleopatra's relationship, and the manner in which the creators worked to pay respect to the historical figures.



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