6.0Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game is an open world racing game and it is the nineteenth entry in the famous racing series. This is a reboot of the game with the same title released in 2005. In the game players have to select a car and compete against other racers in various events like Sprint races, Circuit, races and Speed runs. There is also an Ambush races mode, where players have to escape from the police as fast as possible. Like in the original Need for Speed: Most Wanted game, cops can start to pursue the player during the race and as well as in the original players have to compete against other racers and if succeeded they instantly get their cars. The game takes place in a regular city called Fairhaven, which has a beach and an industrial district as well as the main highway. The game was praised for those who are fans of Burnout series, especially because of its way of races where there is a start and finish of the race but players have an option to choose which way they want to go.
开发者Criterion Games
发行商Electronic Arts
标签SingleplayerMultiplayerOpen WorldFirst-PersonThird PersonPvPCompetitiveOnline PvPSteam Trading CardsDrivingVehicular CombatCombat RacingAutomobile Simstreet racing
Metacritic平台AndroidPS VitaWii UPCiOSXbox 360PlayStation 3
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平均游戏时间 | 2 小时 |