掘墓者兼杀人狂约瑟夫•赞纳塔斯(Raymond Castile 饰)经过四十多年的牢狱生活,终于凭借巴西法律的帮助重获自由。但是监狱并未削弱邪恶的力量,他心中仍然笃定着对恶魔撒旦的信念。约瑟夫和其忠实的随从搬到贫民窟,约瑟夫时刻受到往日罪行的纠缠,昔日伴侣们的鬼魂让其痛不欲生,然而他仍希望找到一个完美的女子延续自己的生命,为此不惜大开杀戒。 今非昔比,四十年后社会动荡,官员腐败。军警奥斯瓦多(Adriano Stuart 饰)及其兄弟较约瑟夫有过之而无不及,这两拨邪恶人马注定要有交锋的一天……
Released from the Mental Health Wing of São Paulo State Penitentiary after forty years, the sadistic undertaker Zé do Caixão is back on the streets, haunted by ghostly visions and spirits of past victims but still set upon the goal that sent him to prison in the first place: finding a woman who can give him the perfect child.
主页 http://www.encarnacaododemonio.com.br/
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