Every legend has a new beginning.
执导过《生化危机》(Resident Evil)系列的保罗·安德森(Paul W.S. Anderson)将再次把大仲马的经典名著《三个火枪手/三剑客》(The Three Musketeers)搬上大银幕,不过这次将以3D立体电影的形式。保罗·安德森将和安德鲁·戴维斯(Andrew Davies)一同创作该片的剧本,影片计划明年开拍,2011年上映。保罗·安德森说这部《三个火枪手》将在法国和德国实地拍摄,虽然是古装片,但会充满现代感:插满羽毛的帽子和束身内衣都将退居其次,动作、爱情和冒险才是这部影片最吸引人眼球的地方。《三个火枪手》以17世纪法国天主教和新教争斗为历史背景,讲述了达达尼昂和他三个火枪手伙伴为解救王后冲破大主教所设下的重重罗网,最终保全了王后的名誉的故事。这个故事曾无数次的被改编成电影、电视及动画片,各种版本不计其数。《三个火枪手》是法国作家大仲马的代表作,小说的主人公达尔大尼央是一个外省的贵族子弟,来到巴黎后加入了国王路易十三的火枪队,并与另外三个火枪手结成了莫逆之交。王后安娜与英国的白金汉公爵有私情,安娜送了一串钻石坠子给白金汉;而与王后为敌的首相黎塞留却派人去英国偷得坠子上的两颗钻石,想使王后在舞会上出丑。达尔大尼央自告奋勇与三位朋友一起去英国,几经周折终于取回坠子,保住了王后的名节。本片不会改编原作的时代设定,但会以现代的方式来讲述这段骑士传奇:更火爆的动作、更缠绵的爱情、更精彩的冒险。地上最强的“三剑客”意外地被美艳拍挡Milady及英国公爵Buckingham出卖,导致行动失败,从此封剑归隐……3年后,三人遇上只身来到巴黎打拼的年轻剑客D‘Artagnan,四人因为同样憎恨把持朝政的邪恶主教Richelieu而惺惺相识。此时,一宗皇室丑闻,令英、法两国之战如箭在弦…为了拯救人民免受战火煎熬,更加要破坏Richelieu的灭国计划,兼向Buckingham、Milady一雪前耻,三剑客决定与D‘Artagnan执起宝剑勇闯伦敦、巴黎,置身枪火剑雨间,展开连场斗智斗力大火拼!
"The Three Musketeers" (2011), a vibrant reimagining of Alexandre Dumas' classic tale, was brought to life by Summit Entertainment and Constantin Film, with a collaborative effort from the United States and the United Kingdom. Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, this action-packed adventure transports viewers to 17th-century France, where the young and ambitious D'Artagnan, portrayed by Logan Lerman, sets out to join the legendary musketeers. The film boasts a star-studded cast, including Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, and Luke Evans as the iconic trio of Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, respectively, alongside Milla Jovovich as the cunning Milady de Winter. What sets this adaptation apart is its bold infusion of steampunk elements into the historical setting, resulting in a visually stunning spectacle that blends traditional swashbuckling with futuristic gadgets and elaborate set pieces. The musketeers' daring escapades are elevated by the use of airships, intricate clockwork devices, and other anachronistic technologies, which add a fresh twist to the familiar narrative. This creative choice not only distinguishes the film from previous adaptations but also appeals to a modern audience seeking a unique cinematic experience. The plot follows D'Artagnan as he becomes embroiled in a dangerous plot involving the theft of Queen Anne's diamond necklace, orchestrated by the scheming Cardinal Richelieu, played with relish by Christoph Waltz. As D'Artagnan and the musketeers work to thwart Richelieu's plans and protect the queen's honor, their journey is filled with thrilling sword fights, daring rescues, and unexpected alliances. The chemistry among the lead actors, particularly the camaraderie between the musketeers, adds depth and humor to the film, making it an engaging watch from start to finish. Overall, "The Three Musketeers" (2011) offers a refreshing take on a timeless story, blending historical drama with innovative steampunk aesthetics. While it may deviate from the source material in some aspects, the film's energetic pacing, impressive visual effects, and charismatic performances make it a memorable addition to the pantheon of Dumas adaptations. It stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of the musketeers' adventures, reimagined for a new generation of viewers.
主页 http://www.threemusketeers-movie.com/
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制作国家United States of AmericaUnited KingdomGermanyFrance