变形金刚之隐者战士 (季节 0)

夜幕降临,宁静的海面上,一艘豪华游轮平缓地行驶着。突然一群恶魔模样的奇怪生物突然出现,在船上展开大肆杀戮,更导致游轮沉没。伪装成人类的汽车人汉克知道这是威震天及其邪恶随从霸天虎所为,虽然力量有限,但是汽车人和霸天虎沉寂已久的战争无疑将再度拉开帷幕。未过多久,各种怪物肆虐国际大都会,因此连番的混乱和恐慌。隐藏并伪装在世界各个角落的汽车人再也无法作壁上观,他们相继现出原形,冲向霸天虎的肆虐之地。逐渐升级的战斗,连人类孩子特警号也卷入两派的战斗中,成为新一代变形金刚中不可或缺的重要一员。   随着汽车人的灵魂人物擎天柱的复活,正邪之战正式进入了白热化……

  • Poster for Big Book of Masterforce

    Big Book of Masterforce 0.0

    播出日期: 1989-03-12

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: This episode is the fifth of five Super-God Masterforce clip episodes produced for direct-to-video release, but this one actually wound up airing on television as the forty-third and final broadcast episode of the series. It serves as an overview of the series, covering characters, concepts and adventures through clips from the opening sequence of The Headmasters, "The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)", "Terror! The Decepticons' Manhunt", "Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet", "Birth! Headmaster Jrs", "A Fierce Battle!! The Autobots are in Trouble", "The Autobot Warrior, Sixknight?!", "Super Ginrai Gets Blown Away in the Desert!?", "God Ginrai - Showdown on the Surface of the Moon", "Disaster! The Autobot Base Explodes", "BlackZarak - Destroyer from Space", "Crisis! The Day of the Downfall of Humanity", "God Ginrai: Showdown at the Decepticon Base" and "Battle to the Death!! God Ginrai VS Darkwings Reborn".

Transformers: Super-God Masterforce

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