流言终结者 (季节 16)

Failure is always an option.

一个由澳大利亚电视制作人Peter Rees开创的Discovery Channel电视系列。他发掘了主创的Jamie和Adam二人组。这是一个记录片形式的电视系列剧,大概可以划到"揭密/科学试验/特技"一类。由主持人Jamie和Adam两人为观众揭露/戳穿当代街头巷尾流传的各种“神话”的秘密。每一集的内容包含3个“神话”,内容包括各种互联网上的谣传,一些在社会上广为流传的伪“常识”,历史事件等等,但更多的还是与好莱坞电影上常见的一些镜头有关。比如:在加油站打手机到底会不会引发爆炸;电影里面的人被一群匪徒追杀,跳到水里就不会被子弹打伤,这是否可信;传说中杀人不留痕迹的“冰子弹”到底是否可行;富兰克林的风筝实验是否真实;人的叫声能否击碎玻璃;(像电影上那样)开枪能否把门锁打烂……等等。每期节目的最后会对每个“神话”题目给出“Busted(被揭穿)”、“Plausible(半真半假)”、“Confirmed(被证实)”三种评价。

  • Poster for Fire Arrow vs. Gas Tank

    Fire Arrow vs. Gas Tank 0.0

    播出日期: 2018-01-03

    运行时间: 43 min

    概述: The MythBusters investigate two arrow-themed myths: Will a flaming arrow fired into a car's gas tank cause it to explode, and is a deadly-looking tribal initiation really is as dangerous as it seems.

  • Poster for Pane In The Glass

    Pane In The Glass 4.0

    播出日期: 2018-01-10

    运行时间: 43 min

    概述: The MythBusters take on a glass-shattering movie myth, and search for cure to stop crying while chopping onions.

  • Poster for Wild Wild West

    Wild Wild West 0.0

    播出日期: 2018-01-17

    运行时间: 43 min

    概述: The MythBusters tackle more myths in a wild west themed episode.

  • Poster for Spike In The Road

    Spike In The Road 0.0

    播出日期: 2018-01-24

    运行时间: 43 min

    概述: The MythBusters test ways to beat police road spikes using DIY ingenuity and Hollywood driving skills. Secondly, they investigate if a high-powered fountain can actually lift and suspend a human being.

  • Poster for Dynamite Deposit

    Dynamite Deposit 0.0

    播出日期: 2018-01-31

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: The MythBusters tackle more myths using their own signature style of explosive experimentation.

  • Poster for Backseat Getaway Driver

    Backseat Getaway Driver 0.0

    播出日期: 2018-02-07

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: The MythBusters test if a fugitive could actually outrun the law while driving from the back seat, and whether it's really possible to knock someone over with a feather.

  • Poster for Electrified Escape

    Electrified Escape 0.0

    播出日期: 2018-02-14

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: It is possible to escape from a burning car crashed into a power pole, without getting electrocuted? Is it better for a pedestrian to jump up when a car is about to hit them, or stand still?

  • Poster for Dropping a Bomb

    Dropping a Bomb 0.0

    播出日期: 2018-02-21

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Can dropping molten salt into a toilet unblock it? Is 3rd-person perspective better than 1st-person in a real world video game obstacle course?


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