忍者神龟 (季节 10)

这是一部经典的美国的动画片。一天,一家工厂泄漏的有毒化学物质流到了纽约市的地下水道,这些化学物质令到四只平凡的小海龟发生了基因突变,变成了像人一样能站立行走的人形海龟,他们分别是米开朗基罗、达芬奇、拉斐尔和多纳泰罗,而一位忍术了得的日本忍者斯普林特也因为接触到这些物质而 变成了一只人形的老鼠。海龟们拜斯普林特为师傅,学习忍术和功夫,并在电视台记者范宝儿和爱玛的帮助下,与住在地层地下企图统治世界的克朗和他爪牙施莱德展开了一场又一场斗争。

  • Poster for The Return of Dregg

    The Return of Dregg 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-09-14

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: While the Turtles work on using fragments of the Vortex Crystal to stabilize their mutations, Lord Dregg plans to use the fragments to create another Vortex Crystal to power his Vortex Transporter.

  • Poster for The Beginning of the End

    The Beginning of the End 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-09-21

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: While Raphael, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Carter work on restoring Leonardo to his regular self, Mung steals all the plutonium from a power plant in order for Dregg to build a Plutonium Ray to turn Leonardo into a radioactive killer.

  • Poster for The Power of Three

    The Power of Three 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-09-28

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: Mungg informs Dregg that he came across two individuals who claimed they were old acquaintances of the turtles: Shredder and Krang!

  • Poster for A Turtle in Time

    A Turtle in Time 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-10-05

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: The Turtles', Shredder's and Krang's battles skills, powers, and memories are absorbed into Dregg.

  • Poster for Turtles to the Second Power

    Turtles to the Second Power 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-10-12

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: Dregg and his crew plan an invasion Earth to make it his new home base, but first he has to get his transporter chip back from Shredder.

  • Poster for Mobster from Dimension X

    Mobster from Dimension X 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-10-19

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: Dr. Alvin Huxley has demonstrated his breakthrough invention: a computer that thinks as fast as a human mind. The Globfather is on Earth and wants to get the protein computer for someone who is willing to pay a lot for it.

  • Poster for The Day the Earth Disappeared

    The Day the Earth Disappeared 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-10-26

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: With the city breaking apart, the Turtles head to the street to investigate and see the Dreggnaut appear in the sky. With Mung's help, Dregg reprograms the transporter to open a warp in space.

  • Poster for Divide and Conquer

    Divide and Conquer 5.5

    播出日期: 1996-11-02

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: Lord Dregg launches a final attack on the Ninja Turtles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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