天桥风云 (季节 10)

Make it fashion.

风水轮流转,早前《超级模特儿新秀大赛America’s Next Top Model》中,一班模特儿参赛者被设计师把玩于股掌之中。这回,轮到设计师被超级模特儿Heidi Klum主持的《天桥骄子Project Runway》耍得团团转。 美国Bravo有线电视台于2005年推出的《The Project Runway》是一个云集众多时尚新鲜人共同竞争比赛,缝衣裁剪、创意先行以争夺属于自己的时装产品生产线的比赛类真人秀,节目由著名模特Heidi Klum主持,一经推出大受欢迎,也为Bravo这个不大的有线电视台打出响当当的名号做出巨大贡献。十二位想跃身世界服装设计舞台的设计师,伙拍十二位模特儿新星,在每集不同时装设计题目中展示实力。真人Show以淘汰制进行,每集设计师都会选择一位模特儿,来表现他的设计,然后由Heidi Klum、名设计师Michael Kors和时装杂志Elle的Nina Garcia组成的评判团评分,淘汰当中一组设计师和模特儿。最后胜出者除可夺得十万美元奖金外,更可加入Banana Republic Design Team,开创自己的品牌。Season 1, Episode 1: Innovation1 December 2004由Heidi Klum、名设计师Michael Kors和时装杂志Elle的Nina Garcia组成的评判团评分,淘汰当中一组设计师和模特儿。Season 1, Episode 2: Vision8 December 2004上一集,一对设计师与模特儿不幸名落孙山,纵使他如何悲痛难耐,今集比赛依旧继续进行,现实就是这般残酷!各位见识过比赛的真面目后,开始进入备战状态。今集,主持人就要大家以一条全白色的绵质布条,表达出「既自信又惹人妒忌的感觉」。要人演绎这种感觉已够困难,何况是一条布条?今次可真考起各位参赛者的剪裁技俩。Season 1, Episode 3: Commercial Appeal15 December 2004各位设计师经历了两轮比赛后,心态明显地有所改变;有参者更视之为人生转捩点,发誓要拼搏到底。 今次各位设计师要樯桃祷股杓埔幌盗芯呓谌掌盏氖弊埃淮蠹伊⒓锤械窖沽Τ林亍S腥饲罴嗨贾剩嵋楣涫衅寻扇×楦校稳Tim却喝到酩酊大醉,差点错过比赛时限。另边厢,Austin和Wendy的小组一於少理其他人风花雪月,他们只知要通宵达旦deadline。究竟哪组会顺利胜出? Season 1, Episode 4: Collaboration5 January 2005今次《天桥骄子》中,九位设计师要替初出道红星Sarah Hudson设计一件登台戏服,首先各人要选出合心水的模特儿,接著有数分时间与Sarah面谈,了解她平日对衣著的喜好。今集比赛的难度一如以往,既要限时又要限制资源,每位设计师只许用一百五十元,在一小时内买布料。过程中,有人在设计上花尽心思,有人则以黑色橹鞔颍降啄募贩詈Sarah心意? Season 1, Episode 5: 'Model' Clients12 January 2005《天桥骄子》今晚有设计师和模特儿不咬弦,他们最后能否摒弃前嫌,顺利过关? 今趟大会要求各位设计师,听从自己拣选的模特儿的意见,去设计她们眼中的梦幻衣。期间,设计师与模特儿讨价还价之N,还要与时间竞赛。大会在这个回合只提供了三百美元给各位参赛者,限制他们在四十五分内买齐所有材料。主持人一方面叫设计师听从模特儿的意见,另一方面又提醒他们不要完全迁就模特儿。设计师站在十字路上,如何是好?Season 1, Episode 6: Making a Splash19 January 2005各位男士请注意!这个星期《天桥骄子》将会播出展现女性曲线美的泳装「花生骚」。 先旨声明,身材玲珑惹火的模特儿不一定在这回合占优,今趟要考的是设计师如何设计一袭能突显模特儿过人之处的泳衣,况且一班模特儿虽为专业人士,仍不乏燕C环肥之辈。大会今次要众设计师为著名杂志「Elle」设计一系列专题泳装,但制作费只有七十美元,制作时间亦仅有五小时。在这短促的限时内,余下的设计师能否完成一件“像样”的泳衣? Season 1, Episode 7: Design a Collection26 January 2005设计是一种创作,需要足够的幻想力。《天桥骄子》今晚会给予各参赛者五十美元及一天时间,要他们设计出一系列代表未来2055年的「未来潮流服饰」,并且指定要人缘最差的Kevin成为领导,带领众人。各位设计师的幻想力如何?他们心目中五十年后的世界又是何模样?所设计的未来服饰会否三点毕露呢? Season 1, Episode 8: Postal Uniform Challenge2 February 2005在上一集,Robert被淘汰出局,曾经并肩作战的Austin和Jay看到Robert临走前留下的字条,心有不舍,同时也庆幸自己的尚存。余下只有三场比赛,最后阶段,四位设计师紧张期待Heidi宣呀翊蔚谋热饽俊Season 1, Episode 9: Design for the Red Carpet9 February 2005大会要他们为格林美奖颁奖典礼的主持Nancy O’Dell设计一袭晚装,好适合出席当晚盛会。Wendy一听到题目即眉头紧皱,因为她从未看过Nancy的演出,也不曾留意格林美奖盛事,更何况现在只限45分钟内用三百元买好制衣材料,绝对是挑战。Season 1, Episode 10: Reunion Show16 February 2005天桥骄子各参赛设计师必须利用8,000美金在5个月内完成为数12件的时装系列。该系列的设计会於Olympus Fashion Week展出。Season 1, Episode 11: Fashion Week23 February 2005最后一集评判Tim Gunn前往探望各设计师。各设计师裼昧瞬煌牧楦写醋鳎谐渎滞诽厣昵嵘杓频模锒史欠驳模握辗苫υ煨偷暮蜕付捞馗鋈朔绺竦摹Kara因过分注重服装而忽略鞋子等的配件……开骚在即各人为model人选头痛,除此之外还须与大会化妆师配合造型到底谁会夺得Banana Republic的聘约,著名时装杂IELLE的免费版面和100,000美元奖金?

  • Poster for A Times Square Anniversary Party

    A Times Square Anniversary Party 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-07-19

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: Sixteen new contestants arrive in New York to become the next great designer. Before arriving in New York, they were asked to create an outfit at home that represents who they are as a designer. For their first challenge they must take that look and make a complementary outfit for it. They have $100 and one day to complete their garments.

  • Poster for Candy Couture

    Candy Couture 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-07-26

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: The designers must create garments out of candy from Dylan's Candy Bar. They have $250 and one day to complete the challenge.

  • Poster for Welcome Back (or Not) to the Runway

    Welcome Back (or Not) to the Runway 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-08-02

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: After being paired up, the designers must create a red-carpet look for a client to wear to the Emmy® Awards and whose color is inspired by a car. They have $300 and one day to complete their garments.

  • Poster for Women on the Go

    Women on the Go 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-08-09

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: Michael Kors challenges the designers to create an outfit for a woman who is always on the go. They have $150 and one day to complete their looks.

  • Poster for It's My Way on the Runway

    It's My Way on the Runway 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-08-16

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: After being split into two teams, the designers are tasked to create a mini-collection of cohesive looks for the "working woman." They have $200 per team member and one day to complete the challenge.

  • Poster for Fix My Friend

    Fix My Friend 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-08-23

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: The designers are tasked to help real women by creating new outfits to accompany their new makeovers. They have $150 and one day to complete the challenge.

  • Poster for Oh My Lord and Taylor

    Oh My Lord and Taylor 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-08-30

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: To celebrate the 10th season, the designers get a chance to be part of the 10-piece Project Runway Capsule Collection at Lord & Taylor that will be sold in stores and online. They have one day to design the final look of this collection.

  • Poster for Starving Artist

    Starving Artist 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-09-06

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: In teams of three, the designers are tasked to create two cohesive looks for fall including outerwear. But first they must sell handmade goods to people on the street to earn money for fabrics at Mood. They have one day to complete their garments.

  • Poster for It's All About Me

    It's All About Me 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-09-13

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: The designers must create a modern look using fabrics that they create. They receive special visits from loved ones who provide inspiration for their textile design. They have $100 for additional fabric and two days to finish their garments.

  • Poster for I Get a Kick Out of Fashion

    I Get a Kick Out of Fashion 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-09-20

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: The designers must create a costume for The Rockettes to wear during an upcoming appearance. They have $350 and two days to complete their looks.

  • Poster for It's Fashion Baby

    It's Fashion Baby 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-09-27

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: The designers must create toddlers' outfits for Heidi Klum's Truly Scrumptious kid's line at Babies 'R' Us. Later, they are asked to also create a companion outfit for the toddlers' mothers. They have $150 and two days to complete the challenge.

  • Poster for In a Place Far, Far Away

    In a Place Far, Far Away 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-10-04

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: The designers must create avant-garde looks using New York's Oheka Castle and L'Oreal's new Electric Fantasie makeup line as inspirations. They have $400 and two days to complete the challenge.

  • Poster for Finale, Part 1

    Finale, Part 1 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-10-11

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: Each of the remaining designers is given five weeks and $9000 to design a 10-piece collection for Fashion Week. In the interim, each gets a special visit in their hometown from Tim Gunn. Back in New York, they must choose three of their looks to show as part of a mini-collection in order to secure their spot in the final runway show.

  • Poster for Finale, Part 2

    Finale, Part 2 0.0

    播出日期: 2012-10-18

    运行时间: 64 min

    概述: In the conclusion of the finale, the remaining contestants ready their collections for the runway. They are given an additional $300 to spend at Mood to finish their looks. Then they present their lines to industry insiders at Fashion Week.

Project Runway

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