一点双人秀 (季节 4)

由“英国国宝”Stephen Fry和豪斯大叔Hugh Laurie联袂演出,1986年至1995年间,在英国BBC-1台、BBC-2台合共播出四季26集。 不同于主流的情景喜剧,这个节目每集由几个独立小品构成,除了路人甲乙,Stephen和Hugh包揽了剧中的所有角色 :德国和英国军官,情报局头头和秘书,公司合伙人,五金店老板和顾客,心理医生和病人等等。 剧情以两人的对话展开,针对某一历史事件或社会现象,或明里挞伐,或暗中嘲讽,不时拿上层社会的贵族、政要和名人开涮,时任英国首相的撒切尔夫人、约翰·梅杰亦不能幸免成为揶揄对象。 除了重口味的政治笑料,剧中也有无厘头的冷笑话,英式双关语,以及最简单的肢体滑稽剧。值得一提的是,全部四季的剧本均由Stephen和Hugh两人撰写。《纽约时报》评论道:他们挥洒文字的自如程度,连《窈窕淑女》中的希金斯教授也会嫉妒不已,他们用语言创造出一个刘易斯·卡罗尔笔下的奇幻仙境。 虽然两位主角大多只是耍耍嘴皮子,但对白尺度很大,夹杂着直白的性描述和粗俗的俚语,曾经因为出现"c-u-n-t"这个单词而惊动BBC高层。除此以外,你还可以欣赏到青涩的House大叔弹琴飙歌,以及Fry大叔雷死人不偿命的舞姿,更不乏两位大叔让人YY联翩的JQ。 总而言之,无论你是想HC两位有才的英国大叔,还是想一窥英伦社会百态,抑或只是纯粹找乐子,一点双人秀都不会让你失望

  • Poster for All We Gotta Do

    All We Gotta Do 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-02-12

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie welcome John Bird and Jane Booker to their sketch show. Featuring Hugh's protest song 'All We Gotta Do'.

  • Poster for Steffi is an Angel

    Steffi is an Angel 6.0

    播出日期: 1995-02-19

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Anne Charleston, Kevin McNally and Fiona Gillies join in the fun with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. A man recounts a childhood memory to his therapist and Hugh sings about his love for Steffi Graf.

  • Poster for Barman

    Barman 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-02-26

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: A man confides in a barman about the state of his marriage, while contestants try to keep it clean on game show parody 'Don't Be Dirty'.

  • Poster for Soccer School

    Soccer School 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-03-05

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Stephen and Hugh rap, and wash their hair.

  • Poster for Tribunal

    Tribunal 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-03-19

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: A dilemma with a wasp’s nest and a parody of the Oprah Winfrey show that resounds with pointless applause.

  • Poster for The Duke of Northampton

    The Duke of Northampton 6.0

    播出日期: 1995-03-26

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: A visit to the national finals of the Young Tory of the Year competition and a parody of Alan Bennett's Talking Heads series.

  • Poster for Sophisticated Song

    Sophisticated Song 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-04-02

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: A school teacher sets up a new religion, a father tries to talk sense into his son who has played truant for years, and Stephen recites a monologue very quickly.

A Bit of Fry & Laurie

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