机动警察 初期 OVA版 (季节 1)

《机动警察》的开山之作,故事虽然杂乱但有序。有日常生活、刑侦办案更有国家动乱事件,此类叙事方法也被日本很多动画作品所借鉴,押井守也凭借着此作品提升了在日本动画界的地位。   第一话:第二小队出动   第二话:远道而来的香贯花   第三话:四亿五千万年之陷阱   第四话:L之悲剧   第五话:特车二组最长的一天(上篇)   第六话:特车二组最长的一天(下篇)   第七话:特车队,北上!!   《机动警察》(機動警察パトレイバー)是一系列日本漫画与动画作品,原作是HEADGEAR,由5人组成的小组,包含原案/漫画的结成正美、机械设计的出渊裕、人物设计的高田明美、剧本的伊藤和典、担任导演的押井守。从1988年结城正美开始漫画连载到2009年之际,已出版的作品包括漫画、一部动画电视系列剧、两部OVA系列、三部动画电影。   这一系列作品的故事虽然各自不同,但是情节都共通设定在虚构的1998年到2002年间。日本东京因为温室效应造成的海平面上升而有沉没之虞,所以开始进行所谓巴比伦计划:建造大型海堤封闭东京湾,将湾内的海水抽除之后,再进行填海造陆。巴比伦计划大量引进人类驾驶的大型机器人“Labor”,至此与Labor有关的治安问题也层出不穷。这一系列作品的主要角色就是专门负责这类案件的机动警察特车二课。特车二课配备先进的警用Labor“Patlabor”(patrol labor之意),与整备班和特车一课一起驻扎在东京一处偏远的海埔新生地,第一部动画作品于1992下半年分两次播出。

  • Poster for Second Unit, Move Out!

    Second Unit, Move Out! 0.0

    播出日期: 1988-04-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: With the impending shipment of three new labors stuck in traffic, the new recruits must make do with two older labors to defeat a formidable opponent who is terrorizing the town.

  • Poster for Long Shot

    Long Shot 0.0

    播出日期: 1988-06-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: As the arrival date of the mayor of New York City draws near, the Labor unit, with the help of exchange officer Sgt. Kanuka Clancy, set up and prepare reinforcements for the impending attacks from the Terror networks who oppose the Babylon Project.

  • Poster for The 450 Million-Year-Old Trap

    The 450 Million-Year-Old Trap 0.0

    播出日期: 1988-07-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: A creature from a genetic experiment escapes into Tokyo bay and its up to the Labors to put a stop to it's rampage.

  • Poster for The Tragedy of L

    The Tragedy of L 0.0

    播出日期: 1988-09-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: During a routine hostage rescue, the recruits use excessive force and are punished by being sent back to the training academy.

  • Poster for The SV2's Longest Day (1)

    The SV2's Longest Day (1) 0.0

    播出日期: 1988-11-10

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: During the SV2's vacation, the Decisive Action Unit implements a siege on Tokyo.

  • Poster for The SV2's Longest Day (2)

    The SV2's Longest Day (2) 0.0

    播出日期: 1988-12-10

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Goto sets forth a plan using the Labors and SV2 to deceive and out wit Mr. Kai and end his siege over Tokyo.

  • Poster for SV2, to the North!

    SV2, to the North! 0.0

    播出日期: 1989-06-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: A truck carrying a mysterious container from Germany is smuggled into Japan. After it is stolen twice and heads across Japan, the SV2 are dispatched out to stop it. Who could be behind this? Is this just a random criminal act or is there something far more sinister in the works?

Patlabor: The Mobile Police

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