恐龙战队 (季节 30)

恐龙战队,是布莱恩·斯帕塞执导的一部科幻动作片,讲述维持和平保护地球的恐龙战队,这次要面对的是邪恶的怪物和一心征服全人类的大魔头。连番激战在所难免,内容还是离开不了原有科幻片的固有的模式,但本片在特技处理方面还是别具一格的。恐龙战队分为日版和美版,美版战队POWER RANGERS系列开山之作,该片是由美国SABAN公司1993年向日本东映公司买下该公司的《超级战队系列》的海外改编版权后而来。

  • Poster for Lightning Strikes

    Lightning Strikes 7.8

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Bajillia enlists Lord Zedd to lead her armies in an intergalactic war — and things only get worse when the two capture a Power Ranger for their team.

  • Poster for Beyond Repair

    Beyond Repair 1.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Team Cosmic Fury prepares for a possible invasion from Lord Zedd while Amelia tries to cure an evilized Ranger and Javi learns to accept his new loss.

  • Poster for Off Grid

    Off Grid 0.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Stranded on a faraway planet with no powers, Team Cosmic Fury scrambles to figure out a way home while Earth suffers an invasion from enemy forces.

  • Poster for Team Work

    Team Work 1.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Ollie races Team Cosmic Fury to find Zayto, but the Zenith Ranger's location is anyone's guess. They'd better move fast though: Lord Zedd's forces loom!

  • Poster for Rock Out

    Rock Out 5.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: When Bajillia discovers a long-lost Zord on a mining planet, the Rangers must create a musical distraction to stop her from using it as a war weapon.

  • Poster for Take Off

    Take Off 1.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Solon goes missing right as the Rangers prepare to fly the base back to Earth. But the team has bigger problems: Ollie's tracker has led him to Erridus.

  • Poster for Operation Seasoning

    Operation Seasoning 1.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: To save Pine Ridge, Team Cosmic Fury must dismantle the system of Squidrills creating an anti-Zord forcefield around Earth — with the help of a spy.

  • Poster for Switching Sides

    Switching Sides 1.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Two ex-villains should be the last people to cure Ollie, but Aiyon has a plan that just might work. Meanwhile, Zayto's secret becomes harder to hide.

  • Poster for Master Plan

    Master Plan 1.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The connection to the Morphin Grid is in danger, unless the team can travel to Eltar and take back the Master Captivator and Ollie — without backup.

  • Poster for The End

    The End 1.0

    播出日期: 2023-09-29

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: If Team Cosmic Fury can't stabilize the Master Captivator, a wave of pure evil threatens to wipe out all the good in the universe. No pressure, right?

Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin (1)
8.1 Mighty Morphin (1)
集 60
Mighty Morphin (2)
8.6 Mighty Morphin (2)
集 52
Mighty Morphin (3)
8.3 Mighty Morphin (3)
集 43
9.5 Zeo
集 50
9.8 Turbo
集 45
In Space
3.6 In Space
集 43
Lost Galaxy
5 Lost Galaxy
集 45
Lightspeed Rescue
4.4 Lightspeed Rescue
集 40
Time Force
1.7 Time Force
集 40
Wild Force
9.4 Wild Force
集 40
Ninja Storm
6 Ninja Storm
集 38
Dino Thunder
2.1 Dino Thunder
集 38
1.5 S.P.D.
集 38
Mystic Force
3.3 Mystic Force
集 32
Operation Overdrive
9.7 Operation Overdrive
集 32
Jungle Fury
2.2 Jungle Fury
集 32
集 32
10 Samurai
集 23
Super Samurai
10 Super Samurai
集 22
10 Megaforce
集 22
Super Megaforce
10 Super Megaforce
集 20
Dino Charge
8 Dino Charge
集 22
Dino Super Charge
9.1 Dino Super Charge
集 22
Ninja Steel
9.9 Ninja Steel
集 22
Super Ninja Steel
9.8 Super Ninja Steel
集 22
Beast Morphers (1)
1 Beast Morphers (1)
集 22
Beast Morphers (2)
1.8 Beast Morphers (2)
集 22
Dino Fury (1)
1.7 Dino Fury (1)
集 22
Dino Fury (2)
2.8 Dino Fury (2)
集 22
Cosmic Fury
2.5 Cosmic Fury
集 10
集 26

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