假如明天来临 (季节 1)


特蕾西·惠特尼是一位银行职员,拥有令人艳羡的事业和爱情。在她结婚前夕母亲却自杀身亡,她想为母亲讨回公道, 不料因缺乏社会经验也遭陷害入狱,未婚夫也无情地抛弃了她。在狱中,她见义勇为的行为得到了州长的特赦。特蕾西出狱后精心构建了一系列陷阱,使当初陷害她们母女的坏人们得到了应有的惩罚。然而当一切都尘埃落定,特蕾西想要开始全新的生活时,才发现因为她的犯罪记录,整个社会拒绝接受现在的她。为了生存,高傲的她只能被迫沦为盗贼,但盗亦有道,她坚持偷窃的对象只是那些为富不仁,贪婪虚伪的人。凭借智慧的头脑加上百变的伪装,她一次次成功地逃脱警方的追捕。与男主人公杰夫经历了种种波折后最终结合,并功成身退。

  • Poster for Part 1

    Part 1 9.0

    播出日期: 1986-03-16

    运行时间: 142 min

    概述: In the beginning, Tracy was an innocent, who was in love and pregnant, with the son of an affluent family. Obviously her family did not approve of her. She would sent ot prison for a crime she didn't commit. Eventually, she got released. She then set out to get back at the people who framed her. She would try to rebuild her life but her prison record would always be a hindrance. She would be offered a job, stealing jewelry. Jeff is con-man who thought he found true love, but when he learned that his wife did not feel about him as he did, decided to con some of her friends and divorce her. Their paths would cross when Tracy after stealing what she was contracted to, meets up with some policemen, one of whom is Jeff. Apparently her boss tried to double cross her but she manages to outwit them.

  • Poster for Part 2

    Part 2 9.0

    播出日期: 1986-03-17

    运行时间: 88 min

    概述: Tracy meets Gunther Hartog, who trains her to be an international jewel thief and con-artist. She would again meet Jeff and they would team up. Hot on their trail is Daniel Cooper an insurance investigator, who after a childhood trauma is also a psychotic.

  • Poster for Part 3

    Part 3 9.0

    播出日期: 1986-03-18

    运行时间: 90 min

    概述: Tracy teams with Stevens; they go to South America; Cooper and Trignant investigate as the thieves plan a final heist; Tracy meets Pierpont.

If Tomorrow Comes

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