变形金刚:领袖之证 (季节 3)

故事讲述两派来到地球后,因为发生了一些“事件”,导致双方外形大变(也解释了两系列风格不同的原因)。也由于这些“事件”,变形金刚要隐藏于人类社会之中。如何去平衡一切关系是擎天柱作为领袖将要面临的考验,本作品的标题也由此而来。值得一提的是,本次两派领袖 擎天柱 和 威震天 的配音者是久违的梦幻组合:来自初代动画的 Peter Cullen 和 Frank Welker!他们在阔别电视版的变形金刚作品多年后,再次一起回来共演这双经典的死对头!

  • Poster for Darkmount, NV

    Darkmount, NV 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-03-22

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: While Optimus struggles to survive after Megatron’s destruction of the Autobot base, the separated members of Team Prime try to reconnect.

  • Poster for Scattered

    Scattered 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-03-29

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: The Autobots search for signs of each other, but start to lose hope while the Decepticons welcome a key player to their ranks. A win for Wheeljack may ultimately lead to an Autobot defeat.

  • Poster for Prey

    Prey 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-04-05

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: The Ultimate Autobot Hunter is unleashed on our heroes.

  • Poster for Rebellion

    Rebellion 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-04-12

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Led by a new member, Team Prime launches a desperate assault on the Decepticon citadel.

  • Poster for Project Predacon

    Project Predacon 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-05-17

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: The Decepticons launch a new scheme to clone an army of beasts.

  • Poster for Chain of Command

    Chain of Command 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-05-24

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: As tension builds within the Wreckers, they find themselves confronted with the return of the Predacon.

  • Poster for Plus One

    Plus One 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-05-31

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Unlikely duos team up, including Acree and Wheeljack, and Agent Fowler and Jack's mom.

  • Poster for Thirst

    Thirst 10.0

    播出日期: 2013-06-07

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Knock Out and Starscream experiment with synthetic lead and threaten to take over the Deceptacon ship and unleash an old enemy.

  • Poster for Evolution

    Evolution 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-06-28

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Megatron doubts Predacon and its allegiance after Predacon reveals a secret of its own.

  • Poster for Minus One (1)

    Minus One (1) 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-07-05

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Soundwave is captured by the Autobots; Megatron revives an old plan.

  • Poster for Persuasion (2)

    Persuasion (2) 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-07-12

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: While Optimus faces off with Predaking, Megatron mounts a campaign to form a new alliance.

  • Poster for Synthesis (3)

    Synthesis (3) 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-07-19

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Ratchet finds himself in a series of predicaments as he resumes his experiments on Synthetic Energon.

  • Poster for Deadlock (4)

    Deadlock (4) 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-07-26

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: The Autobots face the Decepticons for a final showdown.

Transformers: Prime

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