火星鼠骑士 (季节 1)

  传说火星上居住着一种类似地球上的老鼠,但是体型与人相当的一种生物。他们在火星和平居住,繁衍生息,过着无忧无虑的生活。突然有一天,远在另一个星系的普鲁塔星人在耗尽了他们自己的能源之后,侵略火星,掠夺火星上的资源,用飞船运回普鲁塔星。火星鼠们奋起抵抗,但是他们的力量无法阻挡普鲁塔星人的攻势。他们的三个勇猛战士斯罗特、莫多和维尼被普鲁塔星人抓走。      这一天,斯罗特等三人躲过普鲁塔星人的监视,抢了一艘飞船赶回火星,可是在途中遇到了普鲁塔星人的巡逻飞船,双方交火。火星鼠的飞船不幸被打中,只好改变航向,降落在地球上。好在他们的飞船上还载着他们最得意的交通工具和作战工具----他们的摩托车。他们三个人都是驾驶摩托车的好手,有了摩托车更能使他们如鱼得水。      三位骑士降落到地球上后,得到了“幸存者修车厂”女主人莎莉的帮助。从莎莉口中,他们得知普鲁塔星人也来到了地球,也掠夺地球的资源。他们的头目叫林伯格,他带领他的两个主要手下大油包和卡班克博士想尽一切办法要把地球上的土壤等资源运回普鲁塔星。曾目睹自己家园被毁的三位骑士决心帮助地球人与林伯格战斗,保护地球。他们跨上自己的摩托,一次次与林伯格交锋,一次次挫败他的阴谋,同时,他们与地球上的人类之间的感情也逐渐增长。

  • Poster for Rock and Ride!

    Rock and Ride! 7.5

    播出日期: 1993-09-18

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: Throttle, Modo and Vinnie...The Biker Mice from Mars...escape their planet as it it devastated by the fish faced plutarkians. Crashlanding in Chicago, the renegade rodents soon discover the Plutarkians next target: EARTH. Led by his supreme chessiness, Lawrence Limburger, and his devilish cohorts, Greasepit and the fiendish Dr. Karbunkle, the Plutarkians are already undermining the Windy City. It's tail whippin' time 'cause the baddest motorcycle mammajammers in the universe are riding to the rescue.

  • Poster for The Reeking Reign of the Head Cheese (1)

    The Reeking Reign of the Head Cheese (1) 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-09-25

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: Limburger frames the mayor's kidnapping on the Biker Mice, so he can take over the city.

  • Poster for The Reeking Reign of the Head Cheese (2)

    The Reeking Reign of the Head Cheese (2) 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-10-02

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: The Biker Mice have to work double time to clear their names and save the mayor before Chief of Police Greasepit catches them.

  • Poster for We Don't Need No Stinkin' City

    We Don't Need No Stinkin' City 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-10-09

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: Limburger receives help from the Lugie Brothers, who are part of the Scum of the Universe. They must fumigate the city in an attempt to drive the citizens of Chicago out of town.

  • Poster for A Mouse and His Motorcycle

    A Mouse and His Motorcycle 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-10-16

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: When Modo is covered in toxic substances, Limburger escapes with his bike. Modo does not want to rest while Charley and the guys rescue his bike.

  • Poster for Test of Friendship

    Test of Friendship 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-10-23

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: Limburger hires Evil Eye Weevil to reign chaos on the town, causing mischief and mayhem and succeeds in driving the trio apart.

  • Poster for The Masked Motorcyclist

    The Masked Motorcyclist 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-10-30

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: A mysterious female biker is in town, helping out the three mice, while Limburger accepts help from Corroder Cody, who will help him purloin crude oil.

  • Poster for The Pits

    The Pits 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-11-06

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: The Biker Mice realize that Limburger is not the only evil character in town, when they attempt to stop a bank robbery. Vinnie must descend into the Pits to save his brothers from the Pit Boss.

  • Poster for Road Ravens

    Road Ravens 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-11-13

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: Two of the Biker Mice are injured when a new gang arrived in town, and stole all the gas.

  • Poster for A Scent, a Memory, a Far Distant Cheese

    A Scent, a Memory, a Far Distant Cheese 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-11-20

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: When Limburger disappears mysteriously, his unintentional replacements turn out to be increasingly more powerful and evil.

  • Poster for Steelfinger

    Steelfinger 0.0

    播出日期: 1993-11-27

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: In order to steal all the steel from the town, Limburger offers Modo a new arm to work for him.

  • Poster for Chill Zone

    Chill Zone 0.0

    播出日期: 1994-01-22

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: The Biker Mice must stop Limburger's plan to ruin not only Christmas, but winter too, and save an orphanage.

  • Poster for Hard Rock

    Hard Rock 0.0

    播出日期: 1994-01-29

    运行时间: 22 min

    概述: The Heavy Metal mouse that the mice despised on Mars, heads into Chicago, but with an all-new attitude.

Biker Mice from Mars

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