交响情人梦 (季节 0)

  出身音乐世家的千秋真一(玉木宏饰)从小受古典乐熏陶,年少在欧洲各国游历时,认识了名指挥家维耶拉,他发誓长大要做大师的学生。可一次飞机失事给千秋留下后遗症,他始终无法克服心理障碍搭乘飞机,只得留在本国的音乐学院。   在学校里,千秋恃才傲物,可看似桀骜不驯的他内心却充满了彷徨。某日,千秋和不可思议少女野田惠(上野樹里饰)意外相遇,野田妹是钢琴天才,乐谱看一遍就能记住,能弹出动人心弦的旋律。同时,她也是个偷吃别人便当,不洗澡、不收拾房间,整日净干些奇奇怪怪事的邋遢女。   在野田妹的影响下,千秋的人生轨迹发生了重大转变。 ©豆瓣

  • Poster for Shinshun Special in Europe, Night 1

    Shinshun Special in Europe, Night 1 0.0

    播出日期: 2008-01-04

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: This 2 night special takes off during their graduation, where Chiaki-senpai & Nodame left for Europe. The first special centered on Chiaki’s story, the story tells about Chiaki’s dream to be a conductor. Nodame on the other hand attended the conservatory to attain her dream to one-day play the piano for Chiaki. After her hard work, Nodame was given a chance to have a mini recital. During the recital, Chiaki saw her worth and realized that he cannot go on with out her.

  • Poster for Shinshun Special in Europe, Night 2

    Shinshun Special in Europe, Night 2 0.0

    播出日期: 2008-01-05

    运行时间: 60 min

  • Poster for Shinshun Special in Europe - Behind the Scenes

    Shinshun Special in Europe - Behind the Scenes 0.0

    运行时间: 60 min

  • Poster for The Finale Score - Part I

    The Finale Score - Part I 0.0

    播出日期: 2009-12-19

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Chiaki Shinichi (Hiroshi Tamaki) wins he prestigious Platini International Music Competition and becomes the new orchestra conductor for the Le Marlet Orchestra. Chiaki then goes with Frank (Eiji Wentz) to observe the orchestra and is astonished by their poor performance. It seems due to lack of funding the orchestra lost many of its members & the interest of its audience. Meanwhile, Nodame (Juri Ueno) prepares for a graduation exam at her music school. She is happy that Chiaki has finally become a conductor and becomes even more enthusiastic when Chiaki asks her to play Ravel's "Bolero" with the orchestra. But, her excitement soon turns to disappointment when Son Rui (Yu Yamada) takes her part in the "Bolero" performance. Nodame tries to hide her disappointment from Chiaki. The performance itself turns out to be a bomb. The audience laughs while Chiaki tries to do his best. Chiaki thinks back to his first practice with the S Orchestra and his teacher Franz Strezemann (Naoto Takenaka). Nodame attempts to comfort Chiaki after the performance, with Nodame and Chiaki eventually deciding that they will make the next one a success. Chiaki holds an audition for new members in his orchestra, while Nodame takes care of the promotional activities. Finally, the performance is set to begin. The concert hall is packed thanks to Nodame's efforts. Nodame is excited about the performance, but also has an uneasy feeling as well. Chiaki then takes the stage, holds his conducting baton in the air and ...

  • Poster for The Finale Score - Part II

    The Finale Score - Part II 0.0

    播出日期: 2010-04-17

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: The Final Part ...

  • Poster for Episode 6

    Episode 6 0.0

    播出日期: 2010-04-23

    运行时间: 85 min

Nodame Cantabile

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