东京地下城 (季节 1)

在日本的首都东京的地底深处存在一个为人所不知的地下世界-“东京地下城”。在地面上读中学的留美奈偶然遇到了从地下城逃出来的女巫Ruri和她的保护人Chelsea,决定用自己的力量保护他们。但是地下城的秘密组织“Company”,为了抓回Ruri完成他们邪恶的计划,派出他们的大将Supei来到地面上。 不久,同一屋檐下的生活使到留美奈发觉自己对露丽产生了特别的感情。没有任何特殊力量的留美奈为保护心爱的人而死于赤的手下,不过在露丽的力量下复活的他意外地得到了风之力······ 虽然赤放过了他们,但组织并没有放弃追捕他们。相处的时间虽然短暂,露丽被白龙捉回了地下城,但这也使得留美奈下决心战斗到底······ 潜入地下城的留美奈、银之助和切尔西遭到了预料之内的重重埋伏。他们选择了战斗,但却无意地将无辜的地底人民牵涉进来。 又一次亲眼目睹露丽被带走的留美奈,只能在对岸失望地看着露丽身影的消失。随着战斗的激烈,留美奈再一次见到了露丽,然而这次,意味着最终战的来临。

  • Poster for The Destined Encounter: Surface

    The Destined Encounter: Surface 8.0

    播出日期: 2002-04-02

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Spiritual Summoning: Shrine Maiden of Life

    Spiritual Summoning: Shrine Maiden of Life 7.0

    播出日期: 2002-04-09

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The episode starts out with Rumina taking Ruri out to see a real ""botanical garden"". The garden that he takes her to is at the back of their house but unfortunately, it's overgrown with weeds and most of the flowers are dead due to neglect. Rumina promises Ruri that he will take her to as many gardens as she wants. In the meantime, the bad guy that we saw in the first episode, Seki, has found Chelsea and Ruri. Chelsea first defeats all of Seki's soldiers but this has sapped her strength. At a crucial moment in her fight with Seki, she ran out of gravity power. Seki surrounds her in a high-burning ring of fire, intending to suffocate her. Rumina challenges Seki but was killed in one blow. Ruri decides that it's all her fault and uses her abilities as the Shrine Maiden of Life to cast a spiritual summoning and restore Rumina's life. Once revived, Rumina appears to have also gained the power to manipulate wind. He sends Seki flying and the latter decides to take off, but not before warnin

  • Poster for The Awakening: When the Wind Moves

    The Awakening: When the Wind Moves 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-04-16

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for The Full Moon: Ruri's Feelings

    The Full Moon: Ruri's Feelings 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-04-23

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: We see Ruri sweeping the yard outside when Chelsea rushes towards her and demands what she is doing. Ruri replies that they should at least do the sweeping since they're freeloaders. Chelsea decides to help out but gets frustrated when the wind keeps blowing fallen flower pedals away. She decides to use her gravity power but it just ends up making all of the flower pedals on the tree fall to the ground. In the meantime, Rumina and Ginnosuke rush off to school. The gangster individuals pay a short visit to Rumina's temple (remember those guys that got beaten up in the first episode?). They are quickly driven off by Chelsea though. Ruri becomes interested in school and wants to go. Chelsea is originally against it but then relents. Ruri, Rumina and Ginnosuke pay a midnight visit to school grounds. Rumina and Ginnosuke explain to Ruri how school stuff works (e.g.: attendance); Chelsea arrives late. On top of the school building, Ruri admires the moon (she didn't know what it was at first)

  • Poster for Confrontation: The Two Water Controllers

    Confrontation: The Two Water Controllers 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-04-30

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Training: Each One's Decisions

    Training: Each One's Decisions 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-05-07

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Break In - To The Underground World

    Break In - To The Underground World 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-05-14

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Suupei: The Trap Hidden in the Dark

    Suupei: The Trap Hidden in the Dark 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-05-21

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Spirit Gun: In Order to Fight Together

    Spirit Gun: In Order to Fight Together 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-05-28

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Counterattack: Again with the Water Controller

    Counterattack: Again with the Water Controller 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-06-04

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Battle to the Death: Beyond Hatred

    Battle to the Death: Beyond Hatred 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-06-11

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Rebellion: Escape to the Light

    Rebellion: Escape to the Light 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-06-18

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Promise: The Wish in the Ribbon

    Promise: The Wish in the Ribbon 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-06-25

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Pursuit: Assassins of the Tower Gate

    Pursuit: Assassins of the Tower Gate 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-07-02

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Attack: Broken Bonds

    Attack: Broken Bonds 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-07-09

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Attack: Unforgotten Melody

    Attack: Unforgotten Melody 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-07-16

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Gradual Attack: For Sake of the Smile

    Gradual Attack: For Sake of the Smile 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-07-23

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Meet Again: Tear Wiping Wind

    Meet Again: Tear Wiping Wind 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-07-30

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Impatience: Thoughts That Do Not Reach

    Impatience: Thoughts That Do Not Reach 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-08-06

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Assassin: The Trap of the Magnetic User

    Assassin: The Trap of the Magnetic User 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-08-13

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Slums: Town of Rebels

    Slums: Town of Rebels 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-08-20

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Concentration: Invitation to Killing Field

    Concentration: Invitation to Killing Field 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-08-27

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Fierce Battle: Aiming for the Top

    Fierce Battle: Aiming for the Top 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-09-03

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Reason: Flame of Betrayal

    Reason: Flame of Betrayal 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-09-10

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for Collapse: An Incurable Heart

    Collapse: An Incurable Heart 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-09-17

    运行时间: 25 min

  • Poster for To the Light: Let Our Thoughts Become One

    To the Light: Let Our Thoughts Become One 0.0

    播出日期: 2002-09-24

    运行时间: 25 min

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