小不列颠 (季节 2)

  原本是一出很成功的广播电台节目,后由BBC搬上荧屏。开始在BBC3台播出,大受欢迎,后改由最多观众的BBC1台播出。2004年在英国电影电视艺术学院电视奖颁奖仪式上,该剧获得了最佳喜剧表演奖和最佳喜剧连续剧奖2个项目的大奖。   马特·卢卡斯Matt Lucas和大卫·威廉姆斯David Walliams身兼双职,既是该剧的创作者又是剧中主演。两人俱是学院出身,向往演出严肃的角色,后两人结识并开始合作编写和演出喜剧。在Little Britian里,两人以精湛演技,夸张地演绎各种英国人等,首相助理,同性恋者,异装癖,苏格兰人,减肥者,残疾人,假残疾人,教师,学生,精神病人……极尽搞笑之能事,使该剧大获成功。   该剧的形式为每集由多个单元小品组成,内容极之无聊,却担保一定可以让你合不拢嘴:   ~ 声称自己是“村里唯一的同性恋”的Daffyd   ~ 说话急速语焉不详的女太保Vicky   ~ 活雷锋Lou和假残疾Andy   ~ 肉酸人妖扮淑女"I am a lady!"   ~ 变态男迷恋皱皮阿婆   ~ 首相的发姣助理Sebastian

  • Poster for Episode 1

    Episode 1 8.0

    播出日期: 2004-10-19

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Vicky Pollard is caught hiding mix n' match candy in her pants at a supermarket. Dafydd comes out to his parents, but his mother's reaction is not quite what he expects. Emily has a new companion, a novice transvestite with a moustache. Marjorie Dawes advises one of her Fat Fighters to "waddle back to your seat". At the local spa, Bubbles offers to pay her huge bills in an inappropriate manner. Maggie and Judy's stomachs turn on learning the jam at the village fete was made by a lesbian.

  • Poster for Episode 2

    Episode 2 8.0

    播出日期: 2004-10-26

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Emily and Florence visit a bridal shop to try on some very lady-like wedding dresses, Harvey demands "Bitty" in a restaurant, Bubbles De Vere singes herself while evading capture, Andy sees off Lou's new girlfriend, Sebastian meets his match in Marvin the US President's political aide, Dafydd decides to start a gay stall at the village fête, Vicky Pollard goes roller-skating in a pink string bikini, and Judy and Maggie are soon sick of Blake's 7 star Paul Darrow.

  • Poster for Episode 3

    Episode 3 8.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-02

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Vicky makes a nuisance of herself on a bus, Lou takes Andy to the ice-rink, on their ladylike saunter through the park Emily and Florence encounter some boisterous boys playing football, and Dafydd goes to an audition for the Llandewi Breffi version of Hamlet. Meanwhile, Marjorie Dawes surprises everyone at Fat Fighters by being nice to the longsuffering Meera (although it's got nothing to do with Meera's lottery win, honest!).

  • Poster for Episode 4

    Episode 4 9.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-09

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Emily and Florence flounce off to the ballet, while Dr Lawrence takes Anne to the theater. Marjorie Dawes treats her Fat Fighters to a Scrooge-like Christmas dinner. Sebastian is shocked to hear that the Prime Minister's wife is pregnant. Lou offers to take Andy to church to do a reading - despite the fact that he wants to go dressed as the Baby Jesus, and the vicar gets an unexpected reaction when his parishioners try out his mince pies.

  • Poster for Episode 5

    Episode 5 7.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-16

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Vicky Pollard tries to con her way into a Blazin' Squad gig. Daffyd is disgusted when barmaid Myfanwy marries her girlfriend Rhiannon. Lou and Andy go bowling, while Emily and Florence have a go at tennis. Kenny Craig has got himself a girlfriend; Harvey gets hungry when he and his fiancée meet their wedding caterer; and Dead Ringers star John Culshaw makes a guest appearance as Andrew Lloyd Webber.

  • Poster for Episode 6

    Episode 6 9.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-23

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Lou and Andy visit the seaside. Dafydd is back in the village after watching a rugby match. Vicky Pollard shows off her new black boyfriend. In a quiet English church, worshippers are startled to hear visiting Harlem preacher, the Reverend Jessie King urging them to get out of the ghetto. Meanwhile, Marjorie Dawes does her best to ruin a Fat Fighters' engagement party, and love-struck aide Sebastian behaves outrageously at the Prime Minister's election victory party.

Little Britain

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