八小时不是一日 (季节 1)

A Family Series

  德国新电影的心脏、备受争议电影大师法斯宾达(Rainer Werner Fassbinder),时隔46年终返大银幕的《八小时不是一日》(数位修复版)(Eight Hours Don't Make a Day),这部长达八小时的家庭伦理史诗巨制,透过西德工人阶级的大家庭族谱,一家三代在时代氛围下价值观冲突与融合,幽默却暗讽地将工会罢工、劳资谈判等国家经济问题,轻松寓意于下班后的日常生活。   今年三月于纽约电影论坛首映后,被评为是难得一见秉持「乐观精神」与「最富同情心」的法斯宾达作品。《八小时不是一日》是由德国电视台委制,仅于1972年-1973在电视上播映的电视电影,历经逐格数位修复,今年终于罕见于大银幕上映,是「法」迷心中的梦幻逸品。《八小时不是一日》在高雄电影节台湾首映,电影分为三部曲放映。   担任剧中主角的德国「亚当崔佛」戈特弗里德约翰,是工厂技术员,他和奶奶同住,也和未来老婆一见钟情,但现实总是众多磨难,他们首要克服则是公司变相不合理的要求….。与此同时他的奶奶更和政府抗争,希望将图书馆转为日托中心,并大谈暮年之爱,古怪却通俗的家庭形象揭示西德70年代政经情势!   坚持「不拍艺术片,只拍通俗题材」法斯宾达在本片彻底落实这个信念,他曾表示「在他的电影里,他把人们赶入酒吧、房间、公司,用一个个封闭的室内空间,象征都市的牢笼,每当他们试着逃跑,就会受到金钱、种族或婚姻的束缚。这何尝不是让观众正视生活处境的方式。」《八小时不是一日》尽诉衷情,不慌不忙将现代生活放入电影,优雅地审视了家庭生活和劳动关系。

  • Poster for Jochen and Marion

    Jochen and Marion 0.0

    播出日期: 1972-10-29

    运行时间: 107 min

    概述: A love affair blossoms between middle-class tool factory employee Jochen and office advertiser Marion.

  • Poster for Oma and Gregor

    Oma and Gregor 0.0

    播出日期: 1972-12-27

    运行时间: 105 min

    概述: Jochen's grandmother Oma searches for an affordable apartment to share with Gregor, a gentleman she picked up in a park. When Oma comes across an abandoned library space, she and Gregor decide to become do-it-yourself squatters and turn it into a kindergarten.

  • Poster for Franz and Ernst

    Franz and Ernst 0.0

    播出日期: 1973-01-21

    运行时间: 97 min

    概述: After the death of the foreman, the tool factory comrades hope that Franz will get promoted. However, tensions rise when the manager instead brings in an outsider.

  • Poster for Harald and Monika

    Harald and Monika 0.0

    播出日期: 1973-02-18

    运行时间: 95 min

    概述: Following a visit from Marion's strict mother, Jochen is pressured into proposing. Meanwhile, growing strained relations between Monika and the overbearing Harald start Monika on thoughts of divorce.

  • Poster for Irmgard and Rolf

    Irmgard and Rolf 0.0

    播出日期: 1973-03-18

    运行时间: 94 min

    概述: Upon discovering that the tool factory is being relocated, Jochen and Marion seek a new place while the workers list demands for their growing impatience.

Eight Hours Don’t Make a Day

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