超人动画版 (季节 3)

1996年华纳推出新的超人动画Superman: The Animated Series。随着观众口味的变化以及日本动画对美国本土的影响。超人动画首次出现了明显的阴影画法。该系列的人物更是一改以往写实的风格,以简单的,甚至是带棱角的线条勾勒人物,线条并配合着大色块,使得Superman: The Animated Series中的人物,一眼就能看出其个性。超人的刚毅,果敢,永不放弃,淋漓的表现在了他那棱角分明的外形上。而这一系列里的Luthor头更光,脸更黑了。而大量DC经典人物的登场更是使得铁杆漫画迷大饱眼福。该系列的一大特点就是对许多类似于Green Lantern这样的登场人物的起源都有详细的介绍。这是继Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman后第二部延续superman theme音乐风格的超人电视作品。90年代开始播映的美国动画,都有一个特点,播映的时候特别喜欢把头三集连在一起放,感觉就是一个电视电影。从 Superman: The Animated Series开始,超人的动画也开始跟风。该系列的头三集总共花了90分钟讲述Clark从氪星爆炸到超人初次登场,可以说是历代动画中介绍超人最详细的了。这个首播的90分钟里,超人的父母的设定也有别于漫画,Jor-El和kara简直就是Clark和Lois的翻版。直至2000年,该片共播映了3 个季度,最后以一个混合了Batman Beyond和Justice League United的故事结束。在21世纪华纳全面进军中国市场的时候,把它和Batman: The Animated Series一起推出了中文版。很可惜的是,这次引进仍然是不全的,使得国内观众无缘很经典的第三季。但是国内频繁的重播,倒是让大多数人都有机会一睹Superman: The Animated Series的真容。

  • Poster for Where There's Smoke

    Where There's Smoke 5.6

    播出日期: 1998-09-19

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman gets caught in the middle of a fight between Volcana, a woman with powerful paranormal skills, and the government agents that want to turn her into a weapon.

  • Poster for Knight Time

    Knight Time 7.0

    播出日期: 1998-10-10

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: After Bruce Wayne is kidnapped, Superman must go undercover as Batman to find him.

  • Poster for New Kids in Town

    New Kids in Town 6.0

    播出日期: 1998-10-31

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Brainiac travels back in time from the year 2979 to destroy a young Clark Kent before he can become Superman. The Legion of Superheroes, however, send three of their own to stop him: Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, and Chameleon Boy.

  • Poster for Obsession

    Obsession 7.0

    播出日期: 1998-11-14

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman must stop the Toyman as he tries to abduct Darci Mason a popular supermodel and robot created by the Toyman.

  • Poster for Little Big Head Man

    Little Big Head Man 6.8

    播出日期: 1998-11-21

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Mr. Mxypzptlk magically transports Bizarro back to Metropolis in order to torment Superman.

  • Poster for Absolute Power

    Absolute Power 5.5

    播出日期: 1999-01-16

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman stumbles across a world ruled by Phantom Zone criminals and tyrants Jax-Ur and Mala.

  • Poster for In Brightest Day...

    In Brightest Day... 5.5

    播出日期: 1999-02-06

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman teams up with Kyle Rayner the new Green Lantern in order to stop Sinestro.

  • Poster for Superman's Pal

    Superman's Pal 7.0

    播出日期: 1999-02-20

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Jimmy becomes known as Superman's pal, which although may sound cool at first, it certainly attracts lots of trouble to Jimmy.

  • Poster for A Fish Story

    A Fish Story 6.0

    播出日期: 1999-05-08

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Marine animals attack Metropolis because Lex Luthor has captured Aquaman.

  • Poster for Unity

    Unity 7.8

    播出日期: 1999-05-15

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman and Supergirl team up to save Smallville from an alien menance.

  • Poster for The Demon Reborn

    The Demon Reborn 5.5

    播出日期: 1999-09-18

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman and Batman team up against an aging Ra's Al Ghul who sees Superman as the key to his continued immortality.

  • Poster for Legacy (1)

    Legacy (1) 5.5

    播出日期: 2000-02-05

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman is stripped of his memory and is adopted by Darkseid in an effort to take over Earth.

  • Poster for Legacy (2)

    Legacy (2) 5.5

    播出日期: 2000-02-12

    运行时间: 21 min

    概述: Superman breaks free of Darkseid's control and goes to Apokolips to try to stop Darkseid once and for all.

Superman: The Animated Series

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