中文 (季节 1)

2001 年到 2002 年,宝马专门针对互联网渠道制作了「The Hire」微电影广告合集,囊括了长度在 10 分钟左右的 8 部短片,这里面几乎汇集了全球最受欢迎的一部分电影人,每个片子的每部的情节和风格各有千秋,但有一个「常数」不变:主角之一都是 Clive Owen 扮演的司机,他总是因为各种任务开着租来的宝马车不停奔波运送重要人物。那时候,多数人对 Clive Owen 的印象还停留在一些好莱坞电影的男配,比如《罪恶之城》里为保护妓女而误杀警察的浪子、《局内人》的高智商匪首、《跨国银行》的国际刑警和《口是心非》里的特工……不过在宝马的这些微电影里,他似乎找到了与自己匹配值更高的角色。 这系列的营销非常成功,在当时完全是品牌内容的新开创。那年宝马的公众知名度和销量都比去年上涨了 12%,而这系列电影在四个月里的播放量超过了 1100 万次,带来的连锁效应是有两百万人在他们的网站注册,和朋友和家人分享这些电影。要知道,那是 15 年前啊!!!YouTube 还没有诞生的年代,分享视频不容易,更别说什么所谓的病毒影响,试想如果这一套短片放到了今天,数据该有多漂亮。除此宝马还心思细腻地制作了一版免费的 DVD 合集,送给那些到访门店的客户,也为线下的引流做了些贡献……

  • Poster for Ambush

    Ambush 0.0

    播出日期: 2001-04-26

    运行时间: 10 min

    概述: On a dark freeway, a van swerves close to the driver and the door slides open. From inside, masked gunmen threaten to fire unless the driver stops and surrenders his passenger, a seemingly harmless man they accuse of smuggling diamonds. It's a simple choice: do or die.

  • Poster for Chosen

    Chosen 0.0

    播出日期: 2001-05-10

    运行时间: 10 min

    概述: The driver meets a ship carrying an eight-year-old Tibetan boy at a dark, deserted New York shipyard. But he's not the only one waiting.

  • Poster for The Follow

    The Follow 0.0

    播出日期: 2001-05-24

    运行时间: 10 min

    概述: The driver is hired by a nervous movie agent to spy on a paranoid actor's wife. During his tailing of the wife, the driver describes the right way to tail someone. As he follows her, he begins to fear what he might learn of her apparently tragic life. He discovers the wife is fleeing the country and returning to her mother's, and that she's been given a black eye, likely by her husband. He returns the money for the job, refusing to tell where the wife is, and drives off telling the agent never to call him again.

  • Poster for Star

    Star 0.0

    播出日期: 2001-06-07

    运行时间: 10 min

    概述: The driver faces perhaps his most perplexing challenge: Coming face-to-face with a hugely talented and successful rock star. But beneath her beauty lies a problem: she always gets what she wants.

  • Poster for Powder Keg

    Powder Keg 0.0

    播出日期: 2001-06-21

    运行时间: 10 min

    概述: Soldiers patrol fields and rural villages. Their mission: find a photojournalist who has snapped a picture certain to unite the world against their leader. Alejandro González Iñárritu directs Clive Owen as the photographer's driver and sole hope of getting him and his film beyond the strongly guarded border.

The Hire

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