音乐之乡 (季节 0)

《音乐之乡》作为ABC2012秋季档的一档音乐题材肥皂剧(第一季共21集),试图为观众展示美国乡村音乐圣地纳什维尔的繁荣全景,并讨巧地将明星生活、家庭、爱情、政治等主题谱写进甜美的乡村乐章之中。尽管ABC起初并未将这部略显传统的剧集看成新季主打,但导航集释出后观众与媒体 一面倒 的好评无疑昭示了ABC在两大研究课题上取得了可喜进展:如何在《绝望的主妇》之后发掘下一个不泡沫泛滥的优质肥皂剧以及如何开发美国人民对乡村音乐源自天性的热爱。 故事焦点集中在两位乡村女歌手上。人到中年的乡村天后Rayna James (Connie Britton)除了接受影响力下滑的不争事实外,还要面对同一厂牌的新晋美少女歌手Juliette Barnes(Hayden Panettiere)咄咄逼人的攻势。公司为了捧红这位乡村小甜心,要求Rayna与之联合演出作为绿叶陪衬。Rayna并不喜欢这个小妮子,为了捍卫自己乡村天后的地位,她亟需找到新的缪斯挽救自己走下坡路的事业。与此同时,Rayna发现自己位高权重的父亲无视她的意愿,打算帮助她的丈夫竞选纳什维尔的市长。现在的Rayna前所未有地处在了纳什维尔名利场的正中央...... 剧中主要演员均亲自献声演唱。这其中的主打自然是在《周五夜狂热》和《美国怪谭》中表现亮眼的 Connie Britton和《英雄》的美女啦啦队长Hayden Panettiere。澳大利亚全才小美女Clare Bowen在剧中饰演Scarlett O'Connor,一位才华有待被赏识的词作家。虽然本剧被观众认为难逃影射当红乡村小天后Taylor Swift的嫌疑,但恰与之相反,Taylor所属的厂牌Big Machines宣布将与剧组合作推出剧中原创歌曲的录音室版本。本剧的主创Callie Khouri也表示他们很乐意邀请各路纳什维尔村星前来客串。

  • Poster for Nashville: The Whole Story

    Nashville: The Whole Story 0.0

    播出日期: 2013-01-02

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: "Nashville: The Whole Story" features clips that tell the intersecting tales of music industry greats Rayna James and Juliette Barnes -- one a legend, another on the rise -- as they make their own ways in life, love and in their careers. Rayna's lead guitarist, Deacon, shares a tortured past with her, but has also opened his heart and his arms to Juliette, as Rayna struggles to save her marriage to Teddy, who's running for Mayor. The election pits Teddy against longtime family friend Coleman Carlisle and quickly turns ugly, thanks to the machinations of Rayna's plotting father, Lamar. Meanwhile struggling artist Avery, budding singer/songwriter Scarlett and soulful troubadour Gunnar form a love triangle that produces not only incredible passion and moving but heartfelt music.

  • Poster for On The Record

    On The Record 0.0

    播出日期: 2014-04-23

    运行时间: 41 min

    概述: The cast of ABC's musical drama Nashville perform their favorite songs from Season One and Two. Plus, you'll hear stories about the songs from the artists who wrote them.

  • Poster for On The Record (2)

    On The Record (2) 0.0

    播出日期: 2015-03-25

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Direct from Nashville's world famous Grand Ole Opry House, cast members of ABC's acclaimed primetime series "Nashville" take to the stage to perform songs from Seasons One, Two and Three, and provide candid interviews backstage.

  • Poster for On The Record (3)

    On The Record (3) 0.0

    播出日期: 2015-12-16

    运行时间: 40 min

    概述: The cast of ABC's musical drama Nashville (2012) perform their favorite songs from the series. The show was taped at various venues during The 'Nashville Concert Tour' 2015.


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