星际之门:SG-1 (季节 1)

Saving the world... one episode at a time

       "Stargate,一扇通向未来的星际之门。"1928年,尼罗河畔,金字塔下,一个巨大的环形外星高科技传送装置的出土为人类打开了一扇通向外星世界的大门,还给了人类一个前所未有的机会去重新审视自身的来历,并订正教科书上的历史,人类及地球的命运和进程从此完全改变,宇宙也因为有了地球人的参与而开始了一个全新的纪元《星际之门:SG-1》的故事紧接着94年《星际之门》电影之後,在电影的故事过去一年後,被搁置起来的星际之门突然被打开,一伙全副武装的外星人从中出现并展开了一场小规模的袭击,SG-1的故事由此开始……为了追查事件的根源并探索未知的世界,掌握星门的美国空军组建了许多支星门小分队,《星际之门:SG-1》的主角就是他们中最早也是精锐的一支:SG-1!跟随SG-1小队的四个性格各异、特色鲜明的精英级队员——幽默风趣的队长Jack O'Neill、考古专家兼古文字天才Daniel Jackson、美女物理学家Samantha Carter、以及富于反抗和自由精神的外星壮汉Teal'c,观众们将与之一道游历茫茫星海的诸多星球,感受一次次紧张刺激的武装探险,以及,一场场险象环生的危机事件。 在无数次这样的探险之中,人类逐渐成长壮大,了解了自己曾经被掩盖的历史,揭开了历史上各种千古之迷,接触了众多各色外星种族,开展了星际间的外交、商贸往来,甚至发现了更高层次的智慧生命的存在!当然,不可避免的,他们也招来了各种强大而邪恶的外星敌人,为了保卫地球,队员们用落後的地球武器但却是灵活的战略战术与之展开了针锋相对的斗争,在与敌人艰苦卓绝的战斗中,人类也结识了很多友好的外星种族,并与之联合起来共同反对星际间的种种邪恶力量,在自身的努力以及可爱盟友们的帮助下,人类甚至学会了制造星际战舰,并以之保卫地球和维护星际和平。人类的成就全宇宙有目共睹!曾经,宇宙中有一个由四个先进强力种族组成的伟大联盟,如今已经烟消云散,但是,人类以其自身的顽强拼搏精神和蕴涵着的巨大潜力在大踏步地朝着当之无愧的“第五种族”奋勇前进!

  • Poster for Children of the Gods (1)

    Children of the Gods (1) 7.7

    播出日期: 1997-07-27

    运行时间: 46 min

    概述: When powerful aliens come through Earth's Stargate, Colonel Jack O'Neill returns to Abydos to retrieve Daniel Jackson, who has discovered that the alien transit system includes much more than the two planets.

  • Poster for Children of the Gods (2)

    Children of the Gods (2) 8.3

    播出日期: 1997-07-27

    运行时间: 46 min

    概述: Colonel O'Neill, leading the new SG-1, track Apophis back to the planet Chulak to rescue Sha're and Skaara, and befriend one of Apophis' Jaffa guards.

  • Poster for The Enemy Within

    The Enemy Within 7.3

    播出日期: 1997-08-01

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Major Kawalsky is possessed by a Goa'uld, and the SGC must find a way to remove it without killing him.

  • Poster for Emancipation

    Emancipation 6.2

    播出日期: 1997-08-08

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: An alien civilization is forced to reconsider their views on women when Carter rebels against their social customs.

  • Poster for The Broca Divide

    The Broca Divide 6.8

    播出日期: 1997-08-15

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Members of SG-1 become infected with an alien virus that turns them into primitive beings. Dr. Fraiser must find a cure to save the team and the alien population from whom it was contracted.

  • Poster for The First Commandment

    The First Commandment 6.5

    播出日期: 1997-08-22

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: SG-1 must stop a renegade Stargate commander, who has gone mad and set himself up as a god on an alien planet.

  • Poster for Cold Lazarus

    Cold Lazarus 7.5

    播出日期: 1997-08-29

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: During an off-world assignment, Jack is struck down by energy from a blue crystal... which creates a duplicate of him that returns to Earth in Jack's place.

  • Poster for The Nox

    The Nox 8.0

    播出日期: 1997-09-12

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Pressed by the government to acquire new technologies, SG-1 is led to a world inhabited by a seemingly primative race. When Apophis arrives, SG-1 ambush him with disasterous consequences.

  • Poster for Brief Candle

    Brief Candle 7.1

    播出日期: 1997-09-19

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: SG-1 discovers a race of attractive people who age extremely rapidly. The situation becomes personal when O'Neill begins to suffer from the same accelerated aging, and must live out the rest of his life on the planet.

  • Poster for Thor's Hammer

    Thor's Hammer 7.7

    播出日期: 1997-09-26

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Teal'c and O'Neill are transported to an underground cage designed by the Asgard to protect an alien world from the Goa'uld.

  • Poster for The Torment of Tantalus

    The Torment of Tantalus 7.9

    播出日期: 1997-10-03

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: SG-1 tracks down Catherine Langford's fiancee, who took the first Stargate trip in 1945, and discovers an ancient meeting hall that may hold the secrets of the universe itself.

  • Poster for Bloodlines

    Bloodlines 7.0

    播出日期: 1997-10-10

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Teal'c returns to Chulak to stop his people from implanting his son with a larval Goa'uld.

  • Poster for Fire and Water

    Fire and Water 6.8

    播出日期: 1997-10-17

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Daniel is taken captive by an alien with a hidden agenda, while SG-1 is made to believe he is dead.

  • Poster for Hathor

    Hathor 6.9

    播出日期: 1997-10-24

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: The banished Goa'uld Hathor is found in an ancient sarcophagus Earth, and takes over the S.G.C. with hopes of raising a new army against the System Lords.

  • Poster for Singularity

    Singularity 7.2

    播出日期: 1997-10-31

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: A mysterious affliction wipes out the entire population of a planet, plus an SG team -- except for one young girl. Carter befriends her, but learns that she is being used by the Goa'uld.

  • Poster for Cor-Ai

    Cor-Ai 7.2

    播出日期: 1998-01-23

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Teal'c must stand trial for a crime committed while he served as first prime of Apophis when a villager on an alien world identifies him as the Jaffa who killed his father.

  • Poster for Enigma

    Enigma 7.9

    播出日期: 1998-01-30

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: The SG-1 team rescues a group of advanced humans from a planet near destruction, and must find a new home for the refugees before the Pentagon gets their hands on them.

  • Poster for Solitudes

    Solitudes 8.2

    播出日期: 1998-02-06

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter are separated from Jackson and Teal'c during a Stargate journey, and are trapped on a desolate ice world with no way of escape.

  • Poster for Tin Man

    Tin Man 7.2

    播出日期: 1998-02-13

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: The members of SG-1 arrive on P3X-989 and are knocked unconscious. They wake up and return to Earth only to find that they are not quite themselves.

  • Poster for There But For the Grace of God

    There But For the Grace of God 8.4

    播出日期: 1998-02-20

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: An alien artifact transports Daniel to an alternate reality, where he is not a part of the Stargate program and the Goa'uld -- led by Teal'c -- are invading Earth.

  • Poster for Politics (1)

    Politics (1) 5.4

    播出日期: 1998-02-27

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: Senator Kinsey arrives at the SGC to investigate the program and determine whether the great drain on the U.S. budget is worthwhile, prompting the team to recall missions from the past year.

  • Poster for Within the Serpent's Grasp (2)

    Within the Serpent's Grasp (2) 8.1

    播出日期: 1998-03-06

    运行时间: 44 min

    概述: SG-1 escapes through the Stargate before it is shut down, and learns that Daniel's alternate reality vision is true: Apophis is moving to attack Earth from above. The team must stop Apophis and his son, Klorel, who inhabits the body of their friend Skaara.

Stargate SG-1

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