星际迷航:深空九号 (季节 3)

At the edge of the Final Frontier, the Universe's greatest mystery is about to unfold.

  《星际迷航:深空九号》(Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,简称「DS9」)是第三代星际迷航系列剧集,从1993年至1999年总共播出了七季,该剧共获得3项艾美奖,9项其他各类奖和42项各类提名。它不以「星舰进取号」及其船员为主角,而以记述围绕在「深空九号」(Deep Space Nine)太空站周遭所发生的事件为主。  故事发生在2369 年,深空九号太空站本来是卡达西人占领贝久后所建造的采矿太空站﹝原名「Terok Nor」﹞,一直到资源全被卡达西人掏空后,卡达西人留下了这个采矿站离开,贝久人因为资源不足无法重建自己的家园,只好向星际联邦求助。太空站由星际联邦与贝久星共同管理,并更名为「深空九号」,于是它变成了联邦最偏远的太空站。 在第一集里太空站附近发现一个稳定的虫洞,可以迅速地往返遥远的Gamma象限。这个发现瞬间让这个太空站成为星际联邦最有价值的太空站,也成为进入这个广大未开拓宇宙空间的重要商业中心和军事重地。  虽然电视指南(TV Guide)认为《深空九号》在「演、编、制以及整体而言都是最好的星舰系列剧集」,然而很多传统星舰迷一开始并不能完全接受它,有人说它背弃了星舰原创人吉恩·罗登贝瑞的原始构想,不过根据报导,罗登贝瑞在死前认可了这个剧集的概念。  「DS9」颠复了以往Star Trek系列对未来世界过分理想化的描述,它是由一个废弃的采矿站加上默契欠佳的成员所组成的,而且由于深空九号太空站的地理位置和特殊的外交,站长偶尔就必须在有意无意间忽视或违背星际联邦的「最高指导原则」,在这许多不完美的条件下,发展出新的风格和管理的方式。「DS9」里所刻划的星舰时空是一个介于银河里各个大国之间的强权政治时代,基本上「DS9」偏重于探讨战争、宗教、政治妥协以及其他现代议题等等,很多人性的黑暗面都会在剧集中表露无疑,然而对于外来种族执意的侵略,为了保护联邦无辜的公民,星际联邦只好让战争在边境发生,这场战争打了四年,「DS9」后期的剧情就以这场「自治同盟战争」为主轴,主角们也渐渐获得成长,和一开始成员间的不协调已经完全不同了。

  • Poster for The Search (1)

    The Search (1) 7.6

    播出日期: 1994-09-26

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48213.1. Instead of waiting for the Jem'Hadar to attack, Sisko wants to try a different approach. He wants to take a new class starship to try to find the Founders.

  • Poster for The Search (2)

    The Search (2) 7.6

    播出日期: 1994-10-03

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48213.1. Odo has found his home and is introduced. Meanwhile Sisko finds out peace talks between the Dominion and the Federation have already started.

  • Poster for The House of Quark

    The House of Quark 7.8

    播出日期: 1994-10-10

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Quark tries to boost his reputation by taking credit for the accidental death of a Klingon in his bar, but lands himself in the middle of a Klingon political struggle.

  • Poster for Equilibrium

    Equilibrium 6.6

    播出日期: 1994-10-17

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. The Trill homeworld is the setting, as Sisko and Bashir take Jadzia home for treatment when she begins experiencing hallucinations after playing a tune she can't recall.

  • Poster for Second Skin

    Second Skin 7.6

    播出日期: 1994-10-24

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Kira finds herself on Cardassia as a Cardassian. She is told she is called Iliana Ghemor and was a Cardassian spy.

  • Poster for The Abandoned

    The Abandoned 6.6

    播出日期: 1994-10-31

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Odo tries to bond with an alien child Quark finds in a load of salvage, while Sisko tries to break his son's relationship with a 20 year old Dabo girl.

  • Poster for Civil Defense

    Civil Defense 7.3

    播出日期: 1994-11-07

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. The station goes into lockdown and the crew is endangered when an old Cardassian security program is accidentally activated.

  • Poster for Meridian

    Meridian 5.3

    播出日期: 1994-11-14

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48423.2. Dax falls in love with one of the residents of a multi-dimensional planet, while on DS9 an alien requests a holosuite program of Kira from Quark.

  • Poster for Defiant

    Defiant 7.3

    播出日期: 1994-11-21

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48467.3. The DS9 crew welcomes a visit from William Riker of the Enterprise, but the lieutenant’s hidden agenda leads to a tense standoff deep in Cardassian space.

  • Poster for Fascination

    Fascination 6.0

    播出日期: 1994-11-28

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. As Lwaxanna Troi visits the station for a Bajoran festival, the crew is stricken with intense romantic attractions to one another.

  • Poster for Past Tense (1)

    Past Tense (1) 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-01-02

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48481.2. Sisko, Bashir and Dax are accidentally sent to San Francisco in the 21st century due to a transporter malfunction, and must figure out how to get back without changing the time line.

  • Poster for Past Tense (2)

    Past Tense (2) 7.2

    播出日期: 1995-01-09

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48481.2. Sisko is forced to take the place of a key historical figure on Earth in 2024 in order to preserve the timeline.

  • Poster for Life Support

    Life Support 6.0

    播出日期: 1995-01-30

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48498.4. Dr. Bashir must use extraordinary measures to prolong Vedek Bareil's life long enough to allow Bareil to complete sensitive peace negotiations between the Bajorans and the Cardassians.

  • Poster for Heart of Stone

    Heart of Stone 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-02-06

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48521.5. After chasing a fugitive into a cave, Kira gets stuck and is slowly encapsulated by a growing crystal stone while Odo tries to figure out how to free her.

  • Poster for Destiny

    Destiny 7.3

    播出日期: 1995-02-13

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48543.2. Sisko faces a conflict between his Starfleet duties and his role as the Bajoran Emissary when an ancient Bajoran prophecy predicts that a joint Federation-Cardassian project will lead to the destruction of the wormhole.

  • Poster for Prophet Motive

    Prophet Motive 6.7

    播出日期: 1995-02-20

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Grand Nagus Zek is acting bizarre by giving away money and rewriting the Rules of Acquisition. Quark attempts to get the old Nagus back.

  • Poster for Visionary

    Visionary 7.6

    播出日期: 1995-02-27

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. While a Romulan delegation tries to get information about the Dominion, O'Brien gets visions of unpleasant things that are about to happen in the future.

  • Poster for Distant Voices

    Distant Voices 6.2

    播出日期: 1995-04-10

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. After being attacked in the infirmary, Dr. Bashir has a dual mystery on his hands: what has happened to the station while he was out and why is he aging so rapidly now?

  • Poster for Through the Looking Glass

    Through the Looking Glass 7.0

    播出日期: 1995-04-17

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Sisko is kidnapped to impersonate his deceased, mirror universe self to gain Jennifer Sisko's loyalty in the Rebel Alliance.

  • Poster for Improbable Cause (1)

    Improbable Cause (1) 7.9

    播出日期: 1995-04-24

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. After an attempt is made on Garak's life, Odo conducts the investigation on who tried to murder the Cardassian tailor - and why.

  • Poster for The Die Is Cast (2)

    The Die Is Cast (2) 8.1

    播出日期: 1995-05-01

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Now rejoined with his former mentor, Garak is ordered to interrogate Odo about the secrets of his people, while the joined Romulan/Cardassian attack fleet moves towards the Founders' home world on a mission of destruction.

  • Poster for Explorers

    Explorers 6.4

    播出日期: 1995-05-08

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Sisko rebuilds an ancient Bajoran space vessel from the blueprints, and he and Jake take the ship on a trip, attempting to prove that the ancient Bajorans went beyond their solar system without warp drive.

  • Poster for Family Business

    Family Business 6.4

    播出日期: 1995-05-15

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Quark and Rom return to the Ferengi home world because their mother has broken the law - by wearing clothes and earning profits, forbidden for women in Ferengi society.

  • Poster for Shakaar

    Shakaar 6.6

    播出日期: 1995-05-22

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. News arrives that Kai Winn has also become Bajor's political leader. She asks Kira to negotiate with an old resistance friend about returning soil reclamators.

  • Poster for Facets

    Facets 6.6

    播出日期: 1995-06-12

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: Unknown. Dax asks the crew to join her Zhian'tara ritual. The memories of her former hosts will take over their bodies. Nog is preparing for Starfleet Academy.

  • Poster for The Adversary

    The Adversary 7.8

    播出日期: 1995-06-19

    运行时间: 45 min

    概述: Stardate: 48959.1. The Defiant is off to show the Federation's presence to the new Tzenkethi government. While underway the ship malfunctions and Bashir is suspected of sabotage.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

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