七武士 (季节 1)

在遥远的未来,一个说不定是被称作为地球也不一定的惑星,有一群全身机械化的武士们在那儿长期的战斗。当大地化为焦土,战争终告终结。人们再次耕种稻田,生产出不至于让生活有困难的数量的米。位于被群山环绕受到湿润气候恩惠的“钪纳村”也正在从战争的伤害中重新站起来,受惠于盛产的稻米。但是村里的人们却不能因为米量的丰渥而快乐起来。因为每年都会有黑色威胁“山贼”——过去再战场上风光一时的机械化武士们,数之不尽的席卷而来。战争终结之后的他们早已失去了生活的目的,转而成群结队的去蹂躏村庄抢夺稻米与女人。 抵抗即死--只知道耕作的农民们对于收获期的们的袭击除了无可奈何的接受之外,并没有其它生存下去的方式。对于在收获期之前前来视察稻米状况的山贼,康娜村的长老伪作倡导彻底抗战到底,不过村民们发出了反对的意见。但是伪作早就已经有击退山贼的妙计了,能够对付山贼的只有武士。 就这样血气方刚的少年利吉和分配水的巫女云母及小町姊妹代表村庄朝向沙漠另一方的村庄。虹雅渓展开旅程--对于自小生长在纯朴的康娜村的云母们而言,既杂然又人口众多的虹雅渓是个让他们好奇心与困惑感相互交杂的异度空间,为了拉拢武士所带来的米也被小偷给偷去。从小偷手中将米给夺还回来的是名为了修行而来到了虹雅渓的一个叫做胜四郎的年轻武士。虽然小町和利吉马上就想着要拉拢他,但云母却以“没有战场的气息”为由加以拒绝。 就在这时出现了一名云母一行人认为“就是他了”的武士,其名为勘兵卫,他将在街头上发生的斗殴事件一瞬间的处理完毕并离去。那耀眼的模样让云母直觉地认为他才是能够拯救村庄的真正的武士……

  • Poster for The Master

    The Master 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-06-12

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Enter a world where there was a large-scale war between samurai and the Nobuseri or mechanized Samurai bandits. The samurai fought a losing battle and retreated. The war ends with an uneasy peace. Now the Nobuseri plague a small village taking all their food and supplies from time to time. Now, its up to a priestess, Kirara Mikumari, her sister Komachi, and her friend, Rikichi, to find samurai to aid them and fend off the Nobuseri. But, can they find samurai who will help them for free? And how much time do they have before the Nobuseri come again?

  • Poster for The Pupil

    The Pupil 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-06-12

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Kirara's Dowsing Crystal found a samurai strong enough to lead them, but he refuses to help. Volunteering instead is the untried Katsushiro, but the Crystal does not point to him. Could Kirara's tool of divination be wrong? The answer must come quickly, when the Magistrates pleasure-loving son kidnaps Kirara, and the young samurai faces his first real test.

  • Poster for The Entertainer

    The Entertainer 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-07-10

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: After Kirara is rescued from Ukyo's abduction, Kambei decides to help them, being the first samurai recruited. Meanwhile, Katsushiro and Kikuchiyo start heading back to the base. They come across Gorobei, a street entertainer. He tells Katsushiro that he should play his game of arrows. If Katsushiro wins, then Gorobei will wind up dead. Is Gorobei more than just talk? And what will happen when Ayamaro, Ukyo's father, sends assassins after the samurai?

  • Poster for The Loner

    The Loner 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-07-10

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Kambei and Gorobei easily dispatch of the assassins sent by Ayamaro. Angered, Ayamaro sends his two bodyguards, fellow samurai, after them. Will Kambei be able to defeat the two-sword wielding Kyuzo?

  • Poster for The Drifter

    The Drifter 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-07-24

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Kirara and the samurai continue looking for more help. After long days of finding no one, they come across a samurai who chops wood. The samurai is very skilled with both the sword and machines, but he has never killed a man. Will he join them? And, can he stand strong in the face of battle?

  • Poster for The Fool

    The Fool 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-07-24

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: A man who was part of the Imperial Envoy is murdered and the Samurai are being blamed. The emperor wants all the Samurai and their companions captured - dead or alive. Kambei and the others find a way to escape. Can they succeed? And if so, will they be able to without a casualty...

  • Poster for The Friend

    The Friend 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-08-14

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: With Ukyo hot on their trail, Kambei and the others visit his old friend, Shichiroji, at an inn in the city of Kougakyo. Shichiroji tells them of a secret passage they can use to escape. Will they be able to loose Ukyo? Will Shichiroji join them or will he stay behind with Yukino? And, what has happened to Kikuchiyo?

  • Poster for The Guardians

    The Guardians 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-08-14

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The group rests up in Honoka's, a girl they met who works for the guardians, house. But, when the Nobuseri arrive and the samurai decide to not interfere in their trading with the guardians, Rikichi won't stand idle by. And neither will Kikuchiyo.

  • Poster for The Bandits

    The Bandits 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-08-28

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: With Kikuchiyo captured by the Nobuseri, Kambei devises a way to rescue the would-be hero. Unfortunately for the remaining samurai, the Nobuseri have laid an ambush for them...

  • Poster for The Journey

    The Journey 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-08-28

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: With the Nobuseri on their trail, Kambei splits everyone up into three groups. Each group takes a different route to Kanna Village. He takes Kikuchiyo, Katsushiro, and Komachi, while Gorobei, Heihachi, and Rikichi take another route. Shichiroji, Kyuzo, and Kirara take a third route. But, Kirara still doesn’t fully trust Kyuzo and his intentions...

  • Poster for The Village

    The Village 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-09-11

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The samurai arrive at Kanna Village, but find that many of the inhabitants seem to be missing. While Kambei meets with the village elder, Kikuchiyo discovers that the women of the village have gone into hiding along with the rice. He reveals this to the other samurai and they begin the work of preparing the village for the coming battle with the Nobuseri. But, a traitor lurks in the village's midst...

  • Poster for The Truth

    The Truth 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-09-11

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: With the traitor discovered, the samurai are at odds over what should be done with him. Meanwhile, Katsushiro tries to come to terms with his feelings over the first life he has taken. And, later, Kikuchiyo reveals a startling secret.

  • Poster for The Attack

    The Attack 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-09-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The battle begins! As the Nobuseri head toward the village, the samurai and farmers make last preparations. Will they be prepared in time?

  • Poster for The Offering

    The Offering 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-09-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Ukyou is informed about all the going-ons including that the Nobuseri are having a war in Kanna village. Ukyou decided to stop the samurai hunt and not telling his father about the two missing bodyguards. Meanwhile, the villagers continue with their trap to sneak into the enemy's ship. Will their plan succeed? And what will happen to the Nobuseri?

  • Poster for The Gun and the Calm

    The Gun and the Calm 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-10-09

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: After defeating the Nobuseri’s ship, the samurai head back to the village and prepare for their next, even tougher battle with the bandits. As everyone prepares, Heihachi has a heart-to-heart with Katsushiro. Elsewhere, Kambei and Shichiroji do the same. How long will the peace last…?

  • Poster for The Storm

    The Storm 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-10-09

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The samurai prepare for the remaining Nobusari's attack, who are desperate after the loss of their ship. When the attack finally comes, one of the Seven will make his last stand...

  • Poster for The Remembrance

    The Remembrance 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-10-23

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: With one of the seven dead, and two gone, Katsushiro and Kikuchiyo reflect back at past events and experiences with the group while coming to grips with what they must do next.

  • Poster for The Emperor

    The Emperor 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-10-23

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Kambei meets with the Guardians and claims that he killed Amanushi's envoy in Ayamoro's house, which began the samurai round up in the first place, so that they will take him to the capital city. Although he's going there as a prisoner, Kambei is not without a plan to save the women kidnapped by the Nobuseri.

  • Poster for The Mutiny

    The Mutiny 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-13

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: While Katsushiro, Kikuchiyo, Kirara, and Komachi plan to save Kambei from the Amanushi, Ukyo is chosen as the successor of Amanushi with a shocking discovery. Even more shocking is what he does next!

  • Poster for The Execution

    The Execution 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-13

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: With Ukyo as the new Amanushi, his plan begins to reveal itself. He places samurai in every village of the empire, ordering them to follow the model of the “Seven of Kanna Village”. Meanwhile, he orders the Nobuseri to continue with their raids, but secretly confides to Tessai that he is planning to eliminate them. While Ukyo’s plan unravels, Kambei awaits his execution, but is he without a plan? Elsewhere, Katsushiro and the others make their way to the capital. Can they make it in time?

  • Poster for The Rescue

    The Rescue 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-27

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Kambei manages to overpower his executioner in front of the masses, but is quickly deterred from any further action when Ukyo announces that he is pardoning the samurai and freeing the kidnapped women. This naturally occurs right as Katsushiro arrives to rescue Kambei. Just what is Ukyo’s plan?

  • Poster for The Divide

    The Divide 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-11-27

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The samurai begin to divide even more, as Katsushiro leaves the group. Things continue on a bad path, when Ayamaro informs everyone of Ukyo’s plan. With five of the samurai gathered together, what will their next plan of action be?

  • Poster for The Lies

    The Lies 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-12-11

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Kambei and the others leave Firefly House to begin their war on the capitol. They have made many promises up until now, and they each intend to fulfill them. Meanwhile, Katsushiro has some problems when he spots Ukyo’s men attempting to burn down Kanna!

  • Poster for The Oaths

    The Oaths 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-12-11

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: As Katsushiro and the villagers of Kanna prepare for the upcoming battle, Kambei and the others organize a means of reaching the capital. The final battle is approaching!

  • Poster for The Last Battle

    The Last Battle 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-12-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: Kambei and the others arrive just in time. After a frontal assault on the capital, the samurai manage to get inside! Will they be able to kill Ukyo? Or, will they not even be able to get to him? Meanwhile, Katsushiro and Heihachi work on blowing up the capital. Will they succeed? By the end of the battle, who will be left standing, and who will have fallen?

  • Poster for The Era's End

    The Era's End 0.0

    播出日期: 2004-12-25

    运行时间: 25 min

    概述: The final battle has arrived, and only four samurai remain! Will the remaining four all live to see the battle’s end? Will Ukyo finally be killed? Will the capital be stopped, or will it crush Kanna Village?

Samurai 7

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