海盗王国 (季节 1)

剧情将谈论一个没有答案的道德问题:在那个没有法纪的年代里,究竟烧杀掳掠的海盗是坏人,还是冷血无情的英国王室是坏人? 1715年,大西洋,新普罗维登斯岛,巴哈马。 具有讽刺意味的是,在这个海盗出没的地方,竟诞生了美洲大陆上第一个正式的「民主政权」。当时统治这里的是杀人如麻的海盗王Edward Teach(John Malkovich),人送外号「黑胡子」(Blackbeard)。他组建起一个由小偷、匪徒、恶棍水手组成的流氓国度——这里一半地方是下等酒馆,另一半地方则是私掠者的天堂。「海盗王国」的出现震惊了全世界,全球的海上商贸活动面临前所未有的威胁。 为了终结这个可怕的社会并最终夺取它的控制权,训练有素的秘密刺客Tom Loew被英国王室派到岛上执行刺杀「黑胡子」的任务。这是一项艰难的任务——聪明绝顶的「黑胡子」可不会坐以待毙!可当Lowe距离自己的刺杀目标越近,他就越发现这件事的蹊跷。后来,Lowe竟钦佩起「黑胡子」的政治理念来。「黑胡子」是个比较开化、喜欢学习的人,大有「求知若渴」之势。为了得到知识,他不惜采用一切手段。对「黑胡子」来说,Lowe并非唯一威胁其统治的力量——他有许多竞争对手,一个比一个邪恶。更糟的是,他有一个巨大的弱点:他深爱着一个女人。

  • Poster for The Devil's Dominion

    The Devil's Dominion 5.7

    播出日期: 2014-05-30

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: The Longitude Chronometer, a device that will change the world, is stolen from HMS Petrel by pirates working for the legendary but supposedly long dead Edward Teach - better known as Blackbeard. On board the Petrel is Tom Lowe, an English spy working undercover as ship's surgeon. Lowe's mission is to prevent the Chronometer from falling into the hands of pirates... and if the opportunity should arise, to assassinate Blackbeard.

  • Poster for The Covenant

    The Covenant 6.8

    播出日期: 2014-06-06

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Blackbeard's plans are complicated when a popular Pirate Captain comes to town and violently disagrees with his grand design. For his master plan to survive, Blackbeard must weigh the risks of ridding himself of a dangerous old friend. Meanwhile, trying to gain insight into the Commodore's mysterious endgame, Tom Lowe finds himself an unlikely instrument of Blackbeard's will.

  • Poster for The Man Who Killed Blackbeard

    The Man Who Killed Blackbeard 6.8

    播出日期: 2014-06-20

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: When Kate is captured on a trading voyage, Blackbeard and Lowe must work together in order to rescue her before she reveals the island's whereabouts to William Jagger. In the process, Lowe discovers that Blackbeard has an ulterior, deeply personal motive for keeping him on Santa Compana.

  • Poster for Antoinette

    Antoinette 8.0

    播出日期: 2014-06-27

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Having learned of Blackbeard's plans to attack innocent civilians in Jamaica, Lowe devises a way to report back to his spymaster, William Jagger. But having done so, Lowe discovers that Jagger might be an even greater madman than the Commodore. The time has come to make a choice between two evils. Which way will he jump?

  • Poster for The Return

    The Return 6.0

    播出日期: 2014-07-11

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Lowe plots to kidnap Blackbeard and deliver him to the English authorities, believing this to be the only way to save the people of Santa Compana from the mad wrath of William Jagger. Meanwhile, Jagger visits an insane asylum, believing a patient there will be the key to finally defeating Blackbeard.

  • Poster for Hole in the Head

    Hole in the Head 8.8

    播出日期: 2014-07-18

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Lowe plans to kidnap Blackbeard and take him to English authorities, hoping the move will save the Santa Compana people from the unhinged wrath of William Jagger. Meanwhile, Jagger searches for the key to triumphing over Blackbeard.

  • Poster for Beggarman

    Beggarman 5.0

    播出日期: 2014-07-25

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Nenna plans an escape, putting Lowe in peril. Meanwhile, Balfour forms an unlikely alliance that could cost him and Lowe their lives.

  • Poster for Crossbones

    Crossbones 9.0

    播出日期: 2014-08-02

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Crew loyalty is tested as Blackbeard sets sail and spins his endgame in motion. On Santa Compana, Tom Lowe receives a startling request from Kate.

  • Poster for Blackbeard

    Blackbeard 9.0

    播出日期: 2014-08-02

    运行时间: 42 min

    概述: Blackbeard risks everything against William Jagger's frenzied attack in the season finale. A torn Lowe must make crucial choices.


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