超时空要塞 Zero (季节 1)

  多年过去了,工藤真——这位地球统合海军的F-14飞行员,驾驶技术高超,但目中无人,连副驾驶艾德加有时也必须对他忍气吞声。某日,真和队友执行任务归舰途中,突然遭到不明的可变战斗机袭击,所在小队的全数战机亦被击坠。   在飞机爆炸前弹出逃生的真,被玛雅岛上的当地人救起,负伤的他不仅不感恩,反而对这里的居民抱有敌意。但是随着和岛上的风之巫女莎拉以及她的妹妹玛奥相处一段时间后,他渐渐对纯朴的她们消除了隔阂,也从这里的古老传说以及莎拉的特殊能力中,感觉到这个小岛并非只是与外界来往较少,它似乎有着不同寻常的地方。   与此同时,统合军不仅对外星飞船的研究中发现了成果,还在海底找到了极有可能是史前文明的残骸,领导此项研究的阿莉斯博士的前男友——罗伊‧福克亦正担任海军骷髅小队的队长,正是由他驾驶最新型的VF-0可变形战斗机率队进行第一次实战!   激烈的变形机空战在小岛的周围展开,不断将坠落的碎片、枪弹倾泻到了这个弹丸之地,而此时去圣泉的玛奥被这些从天而降的天火所包围,生命也危在旦夕……。   玛雅岛在战火中颤抖……人类正在自相残杀,除了灭亡,也许什么也得不到。   莎拉神奇的力量会平熄灾难的降临?还是会将人类拉入深渊?   ……当鸟人再次出现之时……世上会响起毁灭之歌……。

  • Poster for The Ocean, The Wind, And...

    The Ocean, The Wind, And... 8.0

    播出日期: 2002-12-21

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Having come off second-best in his first battle with an Anti Alliance transforming fighter, Shin awakes to find himself stranded on an island, Mayan. Stuck with them while his wounds heal & while he tries to find a way to signal his base, he strikes up a friendship with island girl Mao, and an understanding of sorts with Mao's older sister, Sara.

  • Poster for The Stars on the Earth

    The Stars on the Earth 7.5

    播出日期: 2003-05-23

    运行时间: 31 min

    概述: The Alliance have developed their own transforming fighter, the VF-0 (or 'Zero'). It first sees action in the skies above Mayan, placing the lives of Mao & the other islanders at risk but giving Shin his opportunity to return.

  • Poster for Blue and Desperate Battle

    Blue and Desperate Battle 8.0

    播出日期: 2003-12-01

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Shin discovers that Sara and Mao have strange abilities connected to the island. Tension between Sara and Aries intensifies when Sara's mentor was the same professor that drew blood from her at a younger age. Meanwhile, Mao brings Shin into the ocean to show him the island's "secret treasure" - a large fragment of the ancient relic known as "AFOS." There, Shin learns more about adapting to different environments by observing a school of flying fish and a flock of birds that also swim. But Mayan and the ocean surrounding it once again become a war zone when anti-U.N. forces attack the Asuka II fleet and the island in hopes of taking away the heavily-guarded AFOS. Shin and Edgar - aboard their VF-0D - must protect the AFOS fragment discovered by Mao from the invading forces.

  • Poster for Jungle

    Jungle 8.0

    播出日期: 2004-05-28

    运行时间: 31 min

    概述: After crash-landing, Shin finds a priestess in the Mayan jungle. Although they both are captured and tortured, they manage to escape but they are relentlessly chased by their enemies.

  • Poster for Birdman

    Birdman 8.5

    播出日期: 2004-10-22

    运行时间: 34 min

    概述: In the South Pacific, two military forces prepare to fight a nuclear war. In desperation, Shin and Sara decide to sacrifice themselves . . . in order to protect the Mayan people.

Macross Zero

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