是由羅伯托·薩維亞諾(Roberto Saviano)為《天空大西洋》(Sky Atlantic)創作的意大利犯罪劇集電視連續劇。根據薩維亞諾(Savino)的同名暢銷書改編,這部嚴肅的義大利犯罪劇透過西羅(Ciro Di Marzo) 的眼睛,描繪了殘忍的那不勒斯犯罪組織卡莫拉(Camorra),他是該幫派教父彼得·薩瓦斯塔諾聽話又自信的得力助手。西羅(Ciro)是薩瓦斯塔諾家族老大彼得,和他的兒子傑尼嶄露頭角的親信。 策略需要,為爭奪市場的控制權,與敵對家族互相暴力報復。 故事敘述從家族老大被抓、權力真空出現後開始展開,儘管傑尼在血統上是下一任繼承人,卻似乎西羅才是最具有競爭力也最可靠的人選。
Long Live the King! 8.7
播出日期: 2017-11-17
运行时间: 46 min
概述: After his father died, Genny is in charge now. He has to cover Pietros death and take care of the streets.
To Death 5.1
播出日期: 2017-11-17
运行时间: 52 min
概述: Genny involves Gegè, his accountant, in his dirty businesses. Don Giuseppe, Genny's father-in-law, comes back from prison.
Hell 8.0
播出日期: 2017-11-24
运行时间: 53 min
概述: Ciro has rebuilt a new life in Bulgaria, where he has become the trusted man of a drug dealer, Valentin but he has some issues with his new boss' son.
The Thread and the Moira 8.8
播出日期: 2017-11-24
运行时间: 55 min
概述: Genny tries to close a deal. Scianel gets out of prison.
Blue Blood 7.8
播出日期: 2017-12-01
运行时间: 46 min
概述: Genny finds Ciro, who has teamed up with Enzo and his crew. Ciro offers Genny his support, and organizes a heist using Enzo and his people.
Like Being Born 8.0
播出日期: 2017-12-01
运行时间: 49 min
概述: Genny and Ciro's alliance solidifies as they offer an olive branch and opportunity to Scianel, to go against the Federation, with Blue Blood at their disposal.
Blood of My Blood 8.4
播出日期: 2017-12-08
运行时间: 44 min
概述: Thanks to the advice of Ciro and the contacts of Valerio, Enzo,a young man from Naples opens business in the center of Naples.
Open War 8.6
播出日期: 2017-12-08
运行时间: 47 min
概述: Enzo and crew are under attack. Ciro convinces him not to react on impulse advising him to come up with a plan to exploit the weaknesses of the opponents.
Judas! 8.8
播出日期: 2017-12-15
运行时间: 42 min
概述: Blue Blood wins back his grandfather's neighborhood but victory is short-lived and the misfortune compounded when he doesn't listen to Ciro. Genny finds out he must move more quickly against his father-in-law. Ciro faces a choice of whom to ally with. Scianel makes a new alliance.
The Creature 8.4
播出日期: 2017-12-15
运行时间: 44 min
概述: Avitabile and the Federation make their move. Genny has to prove how high of a price he's willing to pay. Forcella gets a new master. Vocabolario assumes a new role in the Forcella gang, while two of its members get impatient with the new arrangement and freelance on the side. Patrizia continues to be a go-between for both Genny and Scianel.
Faith 9.4
播出日期: 2017-12-22
运行时间: 44 min
概述: Azzurra and Pietrino have come to be in the Confederate's sights. To save them, Genny is forced to work out a secret plan whose variables are endless.
Forever 9.6
播出日期: 2017-12-22
运行时间: 45 min
概述: Ciro, Genny and Enzo sign the peace with the Confederates, obtaining part of the territories of the center of Naples. But someone in the shadows plot to send everything to the air.