英伦魔法师 (季节 1)

公元1806年,英格兰在抗击拿破仑的持久战中八面受敌,实践派魔法师早在几百年前就已销声匿迹。然而,研究过往光辉历史的学者们发现,尚有一位实践派魔法师——诺瑞尔先生在世。此人深居简出,然略显身手,举国上下无不 为之惊叹。移居伦敦后,他唤美妇人起死回生,召幻影舰队威慑法寇。他一贯瞻前顾后、小题大做,怎奈后生可畏——乔纳森•斯特兰奇初出茅庐,已崭露头角。该生风华正茂、一表人才、意气风发,方方面面与诺瑞尔截然相反。自此,两位伟大的魔法师之间斗争不断、险象环生,比起英法两国之战有过之而无不及。二人各怀执念,暗中更染指黑魔法,哪知一切实为作茧自缚,前途凶险难料。

  • Poster for The Friends of English Magic

    The Friends of English Magic 6.7

    播出日期: 2015-05-17

    运行时间: 59 min

    概述: Determined to prove himself England's greatest magician, Mr Norrell makes a dangerous pact with a mysterious being.

  • Poster for How Is Lady Pole?

    How Is Lady Pole? 7.6

    播出日期: 2015-05-24

    运行时间: 59 min

    概述: Mr Norrell takes Jonathan Strange as his apprentice in the ways of magic.

  • Poster for The Education of a Magician

    The Education of a Magician 7.3

    播出日期: 2015-05-31

    运行时间: 59 min

    概述: Jonathan Strange travels to Spain. Mr Norrell is attempting to keep his secrets hidden in London.

  • Poster for All the Mirrors of the World

    All the Mirrors of the World 7.6

    播出日期: 2015-06-07

    运行时间: 59 min

    概述: Norrell's refusal to let Strange study ancient magic causes a split between them.

  • Poster for Arabella

    Arabella 7.7

    播出日期: 2015-06-14

    运行时间: 59 min

    概述: The Gentleman's scheme for revenge wrecks all of Strange and Arabella's plans.

  • Poster for The Black Tower

    The Black Tower 7.8

    播出日期: 2015-06-21

    运行时间: 59 min

    概述: Strange attempts to drive himself insane as a way of gaining access to fairy magic.

  • Poster for Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

    Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell 7.8

    播出日期: 2015-06-28

    运行时间: 59 min

    概述: Strange comes back home to claim Mr Norrell and rescue Arabella.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

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