秘密 (季节 1)

该剧根据上世纪九十年代一起真实的双重谋杀案改编。James Nesbitt在剧中扮演受人尊崇的牙医Colin Howell,是北爱尔兰科尔雷恩的社会精英、精神领袖。在别人看来,这位浸信会教友不仅是虔诚的宗教信徒,还是一位好丈夫、好父亲。可是当他遇到另一位浸信会教友、主日学校教师Hazel Buchanan 之后,两人发生了婚外情。他们密谋杀害Colin的妻子Lesley 和Hazel的丈夫Trevor,还将现场伪造成「一对出轨的男女双双殉情」。Colin和Hazel自以为能长相厮守,但却给两个家庭带来了毁灭性的后果。 这对狡猾的凶手一开始的确骗过了警察,在很长一段时间内得以逍遥法外(案件发生于1991年)。但他们的激情很快消退,两人分了手。他们各自重建了生活,再婚,事业上获得成功……但他们永远无法逃避过去。一系列灾难接连降临到Colin身上,他最终向教堂的长老们承认了自己曾经犯下的罪行。当警方对Colin进行调查时,他供出了Hazel。Hazel虽然承认自己与此事有牵连,但拒不认罪,她声称受到了Colin的胁迫。在随后的庭审过程中,Colin当庭提交了足以给这位旧情人定罪的证据。2010年11月,Colin被判处终身监禁(至少服刑21年才能获得缓刑机会)。2011年3月,Hazel也被判处终身监禁。两个月后,Colin还供述了另一起罪行:他在当医生期间曾对9名女病人实施性骚扰。

  • Poster for Episode 1

    Episode 1 8.0

    播出日期: 2016-04-29

    运行时间: 51 min

    概述: When Colin Howell and Hazel Buchanan meet at their local Baptist Church in rural Northern Ireland, they start an affair which will have cataclysmic consequences.

  • Poster for Episode 2

    Episode 2 8.0

    播出日期: 2016-05-06

    运行时间: 51 min

    概述: Colin and Hazel carry out his plan to kill Lesley and Trevor, and stage it to look like a suicide pact. But will the community and the police believe their story?

  • Poster for Episode 3

    Episode 3 8.0

    播出日期: 2016-05-13

    运行时间: 51 min

    概述: As the inquest approaches, Colin and Hazel have to hold their nerve. But even if they do get away with it, can their relationship survive?

  • Poster for Episode 4

    Episode 4 9.0

    播出日期: 2016-05-20

    运行时间: 51 min

    概述: The past catches up with Colin as he is finally driven to confess his crime. But when Hazel pleads not guilty, will Colin take all the blame?

The Secret

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