Syfy电视台发布公开声明称将与《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》、《超人:钢铁之躯》编剧大卫·S·高耶联手打造一部背景设定在超人故乡氪星,聚焦超人祖父故事的剧集。此外,剧集还曝光了一张《氪星》的官方Logo海报。 从故事设定来看,《氪星》与讲述吉姆·戈登起源故事的《哥谭》有异曲同工之妙。据Syfy透露,《氪星》的故事将早于超人被送往地球以前的很多年,当时的氪星混乱不堪。故事讲述了超人的祖父如何将希望与和平带往氪星,并将其打造成人们心目中英雄的诞生地。 据了解,剧集目前仍在筹备之中,演员与播出时间等都尚无消息,大卫·S·高耶将与《童话镇》编剧Ian B. Goldberg一同撰写剧本。
Light-Years from Home 6.8
播出日期: 2019-06-12
运行时间: 42 min
概述: Seg-El is stranded far from home, where his grandfather leads a rebellion against General Zod.
Ghost in the Fire 7.0
播出日期: 2019-06-19
运行时间: 41 min
概述: Adam Strange and Seg evade a bounty hunter, while General Zod uses Nyssa to further his cause.
Will to Power 6.6
播出日期: 2019-06-26
运行时间: 44 min
概述: The Rebels gain advantage against General Zod, as Seg goes head-to-head with Brianiac.
Danger Close 6.4
播出日期: 2019-07-03
运行时间: 43 min
概述: Seg and Adam return to a very different Kandor. Val and his Rebels prepare a major offensive.
A Better Yesterday 6.6
播出日期: 2019-07-10
运行时间: 42 min
概述: Amidst a hostage negotiation that could end the war on Krypton, Seg seeks answers about Lyta.
In Zod We Trust 5.8
播出日期: 2019-07-17
运行时间: 44 min
概述: In the wake of tragedy, Seg helps Nyssa rescue their son. Alliances on Wegthor fracture.
Zods and Monsters 6.2
播出日期: 2019-07-24
运行时间: 44 min
概述: General Zod pushes for control of a dominating weapon. Seg and Nyssa fight to save Seg's life.
Mercy 6.2
播出日期: 2019-07-31
运行时间: 43 min
概述: Dev and Jayna help Seg and Nyssa target General Zod's fleet, when they make a shocking discovery.
Blood Moon 6.4
播出日期: 2019-08-07
运行时间: 44 min
概述: Zod brings Doomsday to heel and unleashes him on the Rebels, and Seg, Val, and Kem fight a last-ditch battle to hold the creature back while their compatriots escape.
The Alpha and the Omega 6.2
播出日期: 2019-08-14
运行时间: 44 min
概述: The future of Krypton is at stake as Seg faces off against his enemy, General Zod, with the help of his allies.