平地风云 (季节 4)

Welcome to witness protection. Now get lost

  Marry是新墨西哥的一名联邦保护证人组成员,其工作属于高度机密,她保护的对象有职业罪犯、高明的骗子、杀人犯,也有不幸的受害者和恰巧目击罪案发生的人。然而不论身份如何、有罪与否,他们都有一个共同点:有人想置他们于死地。   对于证人来说,出庭作供意味着抛弃亲友,割断现有的一切联系,Marry的职责便在于保护他们躲过仇家追杀,改变身份搬到陌生的西南部,开始一段新的人生。   Marry有一位搭档Marshall,两人性格如同火星撞地球,成天互相嘲讽、摩擦不断,却也合作无间,出色完成了一次又一次的保护任务。   虽然工作极度危险且压力巨大,但却完全比不上家务事让Marry头痛:她和缠人的老妈Jinx已经同样麻烦的妹妹Brandi住在一起,Jinx从没干过一份正经工作,成天酒杯不离手;Brandi搬来新墨西哥的目的,便是为了替男友Chuck脱手一箱子冰毒。Marry必须小心翼翼地向她们和朋友隐瞒自己的工作实质。   Marry还有一位男友Raphael,两人离离合合,感情反复,因为每当Raphael想和她更进一步时,工作和家庭便成了Marry回绝他的绝佳借口。

  • Poster for The Art of the Steal

    The Art of the Steal 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-05-01

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary uses a thief to catch a thief when she asks a witness to consult on a crime in order to exonerate Brandi of grand theft auto.

  • Poster for Crazy Like a Witness

    Crazy Like a Witness 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-05-08

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary's paranoid witness wants to reconnect with his son.

  • Poster for Love in the Time of Colorado

    Love in the Time of Colorado 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-05-15

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary is caught between a witness and a suspect.

  • Poster for Meet the Shannons

    Meet the Shannons 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-05-22

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: A beauty pageant queen finds out that she's spent most of her life in witness protection

  • Poster for Second Crime Around

    Second Crime Around 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-06-05

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary works with an unapologetic con artist.

  • Poster for Something A-mish

    Something A-mish 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-06-12

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: An Amish witness comes into the program and must learn to adapt.

  • Poster for I'm a Liver Not a Fighter

    I'm a Liver Not a Fighter 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-06-19

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: A terminally ill father wants to reconcile with his children.

  • Poster for Kumar vs. Kumar

    Kumar vs. Kumar 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-06-26

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary plays marriage councilor in order to mediate a WITSEC divorce. Not only must she reconcile a stubborn witness, but also thousands of years of Hindu tradition, in order to save the case and keep a family out of danger.

  • Poster for The Rolling Stones

    The Rolling Stones 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-07-10

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary gets a WITSEC two-fer, when a witness is forced to enter the program after being mistaken for his "evil" twin brother. Not only must she protect the pair from their enemies, but also from each other.

  • Poster for Girls, Interrupted

    Girls, Interrupted 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-07-17

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Marshall and Stan contend with a rock-star witness and her controlling mother while Mary is away on a WITSEC-mandated road trip.

  • Poster for Provo-cation

    Provo-cation 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-07-24

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary helps protect a guilt-ridden Army veteran; Marshall & Abigail consider the next step.

  • Poster for A Womb With a View

    A Womb With a View 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-07-31

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary protects a courtesan from the gangster father of her baby.

  • Poster for Something Borrowed, Something Blew Up

    Something Borrowed, Something Blew Up 10.0

    播出日期: 2011-08-07

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary must protect her least favorite witnesses on the day of her sister's wedding.

In Plain Sight

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