平地风云 (季节 5)

Welcome to witness protection. Now get lost

  Marry是新墨西哥的一名联邦保护证人组成员,其工作属于高度机密,她保护的对象有职业罪犯、高明的骗子、杀人犯,也有不幸的受害者和恰巧目击罪案发生的人。然而不论身份如何、有罪与否,他们都有一个共同点:有人想置他们于死地。   对于证人来说,出庭作供意味着抛弃亲友,割断现有的一切联系,Marry的职责便在于保护他们躲过仇家追杀,改变身份搬到陌生的西南部,开始一段新的人生。   Marry有一位搭档Marshall,两人性格如同火星撞地球,成天互相嘲讽、摩擦不断,却也合作无间,出色完成了一次又一次的保护任务。   虽然工作极度危险且压力巨大,但却完全比不上家务事让Marry头痛:她和缠人的老妈Jinx已经同样麻烦的妹妹Brandi住在一起,Jinx从没干过一份正经工作,成天酒杯不离手;Brandi搬来新墨西哥的目的,便是为了替男友Chuck脱手一箱子冰毒。Marry必须小心翼翼地向她们和朋友隐瞒自己的工作实质。   Marry还有一位男友Raphael,两人离离合合,感情反复,因为每当Raphael想和她更进一步时,工作和家庭便成了Marry回绝他的绝佳借口。

  • Poster for The Anti-Social Network

    The Anti-Social Network 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-03-16

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary sees whether she can balance motherhood with a demanding profession and a dysfunctional home life, or if she will put her baby up for adoption.

  • Poster for Four Marshals and a Baby

    Four Marshals and a Baby 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-03-23

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: With Jinx out of town and Mark busy with a last minute business trip, Mary has no choice but to head to work with Norah in tow. But when Mary arrives, Delia points out the obvious: Mary can't be with Norah and a witness at the same time. Meanwhile, Marshall and Abigail are trying to determine whether or not Kristi Owens should enter WITSEC and Associate Director Campbell gives Stan some surprising news about the future of the Albuquerque office.

  • Poster for Reservations, I've Got a Few

    Reservations, I've Got a Few 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-03-30

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: When Marshall's witness escapes from the WITSEC offices and disappears on an Indian Reservation, Mary and Marshall will need the help of a Native American detective to track him down.

  • Poster for The Merry Wives of WITSEC

    The Merry Wives of WITSEC 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-04-06

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary protects a bigamist not only from his former employer, but also his two wives. In WITSEC, cheating the black market can be dangerous; but cheating on multiple wives is a death sentence.

  • Poster for Drag Me to Hell

    Drag Me to Hell 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-04-13

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Even with Joanna babysitting Norah and Brandi addressing her alcohol problems in rehab, things are still chaotic in Mary's life. Douglas Hampton/Harvey, a drag performer who was known as Kandy back in New Orleans, joins the program after accidentally interrupting a drug deal between a club manager and a member of a dangerous drug cartel. The team tells Douglas that he must leave Kandy and his performance act behind, but the frustration of his new life sends him back onto the stage and into the spotlight.

  • Poster for The Medal of Mary

    The Medal of Mary 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-04-20

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Mary is still reeling from the flood of emotions stirred-up after having to arrest her father, James, when he unexpectedly showed up on her doorstep after being AWOL for 30 years. Bad goes to worse when Special Agent Robert O'Connor, Mary's "favorite" FBI agent, demands her assistance to get James to provide critical information regarding his old partner-in-crime, Cormack “Sully” Sullivan, one of the FBI's 10 Most Wanted.

  • Poster for Sacrificial Lam

    Sacrificial Lam 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-04-27

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Having slipped through the fingers of the FBI, James Shannon is on the run again and heading for the border, but first he must stop to take care of a little unfinished business. Agent O'Connor, convinced that she was somehow involved in James' escape, places Mary under investigation, but when he refuses to listen to her suggestions about the possible whereabouts of her father, the manhunt ends in tragedy.

  • Poster for All's Well That Ends

    All's Well That Ends 10.0

    播出日期: 2012-05-04

    运行时间: 60 min

    概述: Series Finale: Drastic changes take place at the Albuquerque WITSEC office. Mary finds herself caught between a witness and an unexpected family reunion.

In Plain Sight

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