机动战士高达0083:星尘的回忆 (季节 0)

  U.C.0080年,一年战争终于结束了。然而,吉恩公国中仍有不甘心失败命运,一心与地球联邦敌对的人物存在。就在吉恩残兵大量被放逐到小行星阿克西斯的基地时,吉恩的迪拉兹中将,秘密召集了不愿前往阿克西斯的公国军残党,组成迪拉兹舰队,并于0080年3月,来到地月之间的暗礁宙域,开始在这里营建其作为反联邦据点的军事基地“茨之园”。   0081年5月,扎比家第三子多兹鲁的遗孀泽娜在阿克西斯病亡,其年幼的女儿美妮瓦·扎比成为扎比家最后的血脉。   8月15日,迪拉兹借吉恩公国国庆节之机开始掀起暴乱活动。   为预防战乱再次到来,联邦议会于10月13日表决通过了联邦军重建计划。作为重建计划的一环,10月20日,在乔·考文中将的主持下,由当时联邦最大的兵工企业,总部位于月面的阿纳海姆电子技术公司(A.E)展开研制尖端技术MS的高达开发计划。

  • Poster for Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory - The Mayfly of Space

    Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory - The Mayfly of Space 0.0

    播出日期: 1992-09-24

    运行时间: 3 min

    概述: Mayfly reveals Cima's backstory in flashbacks as she reflects on her past prior to the events of Episode 13. It reveals that Cima and her unit poisoned a Side 5 colony using G-3 nerve gas, under orders, but were treated as pariahs afterwards by their own countrymen for committing such an atrocity. At the end of the war her superior refused to let her retreat to Axis. Because their home colony Mahal had been converted into a weapon, Cima and her men were left stranded and homeless.

  • Poster for Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory - The Mayfly of Space 2

    Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory - The Mayfly of Space 2 0.0

    播出日期: 2016-01-26

    运行时间: 3 min

    概述: Universal Century 0083. Inside the Zanzibar-class mobile cruiser Lili Marleen, Cima Garahau, the former Zeon M.A.U. (Marine Amphibious Unit) Commander, was battling her recurring nightmare of being abandoned by Zeon military during One Year War and drifting in Space in the past 4 years. This picture drama also recounts Cima's past and present encounter with Anavel Gato, as well as introducing a new character, the Zeon fugitive Geil Hunt.

Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory

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