天外三侠 (季节 2)

本剧是制片人Guillermo del Toro联合梦工厂为Netflix制作的《阿卡迪亚传说》(Tales of Arcadia)三部曲的第二部,也是第一部《巨怪猎人》(Trollhunters)的续篇。故事描述某外星王国突遭邪恶独裁者的占领,一对王室兄妹(一位王子及其尚未结婚的王妃)在保镖的陪伴下逃往地球。他们的飞船在阿卡迪亚橡树镇附近坠毁,来自银河系各个角落的赏金猎人接踵而至。为了掩人耳目,他们决定改头换面混入地球普通人当中,但要想真正融入地球人的生活对他们来说是一项艰巨的任务。与此同时,他们想尽一切办法来维修飞船,以便早日返回母星球驱逐坏人、重建家园。Diego Luna为外星王太子(未来国王)Krel Arikidion配音,Tatiana Maslany为准王妃(未来王后)Aja Arikidion配音,Nick Offerman为他们的保镖Varvatos Vex配音。Krel和Aja在《巨怪猎人》第二季结束前已经现身,他们对Jim、Toby和Claire来说是一对「古怪的新同学」,本剧将把剧情时间倒退回他们刚刚来地球的时候。在这之后,Jim、Toby、Claire和其他《巨怪猎人》角色都将在该剧中亮相,两部剧集的情节也会经常交叉。

  • Poster for Moving Day

    Moving Day 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: Left vulnerable after Omen's attack, the royal heirs look to conceal their damaged ship but are soon confronted by the bounty hunter Magmatron.

  • Poster for Moonlight Run

    Moonlight Run 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: Aja and Krel enlist Stuart to help find their former ally, who’s being held prisoner at a bounty hunter outpost on the moon.

  • Poster for Dogfight Days of Summer

    Dogfight Days of Summer 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: With General Morando's invasion of Earth imminent, Krel tries to stop the fleet's advance with unwitting help from the kids of Arcadia.

  • Poster for Mother's Day

    Mother's Day 7.7

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: Mother, the AI controlling the royals’ ship, reflects on keeping the peace between her quarreling family. Morando discovers a secret hidden on Earth.

  • Poster for Ill Gotten Gains

    Ill Gotten Gains 7.0

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: Colonel Kubritz stages a phony quarantine of Arcadia High School in a ploy to capture the royals -- and their advanced weapons technology.

  • Poster for There's Something About Gwen (of Gorbon)

    There's Something About Gwen (of Gorbon) 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: Stuart gets an unexpected visit from his ex-girlfriend. Krel helps Toby and Eli produce a short film, "Kleb or Alive," for a local contest.

  • Poster for Asteroid Rage

    Asteroid Rage 5.8

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: Unable to stop an asteroid hurtling toward Earth, Kubritz pleads with the royals to help destroy it by offering stored alien technology from Area 49B.

  • Poster for Luug's Day Out

    Luug's Day Out 7.8

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: Krel builds a prototype device that will create a wormhole back to Akiridion-5, but Luug swallows it whole before it can be tested further.

  • Poster for The Fall of House Tarron

    The Fall of House Tarron 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: The last defenders of House Tarron face off against General Morando and his army of Omen robots in an all-out battle for survival.

  • Poster for The Big Sleep

    The Big Sleep 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: With General Morando searching for Gaylen's Core, Aja and Krel must travel into their parents' subconscious to learn the core's location first.

  • Poster for Race to Trollmarket

    Race to Trollmarket 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: After learning the location of Gaylen’s Core, Toby calls Trollhunter Jim Lake, and Blinky advises the royals to consult the Soothscryer.

  • Poster for A Glorious End, Part 1

    A Glorious End, Part 1 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 23 min

    概述: As the town of Arcadia gathers for the premiere of "Kleb or Alive," an army of Omens, led by an armored Kubritz, makes plans to lure out the royals.

  • Poster for A Glorious End, Part 2

    A Glorious End, Part 2 7.3

    播出日期: 2019-07-12

    运行时间: 24 min

    概述: With the fate of the universe at stake, the royal heirs and their allies must gather their forces for the ultimate battle to defeat General Morando.

3Below: Tales of Arcadia

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