该剧由Chris Kelly和Sarah Schneider创作、撰写并制片,Lorne Michaels参与制片。故事描述一个29岁的年轻演员(Drew Tarver)对自己的前途感到十分郁闷——他有出色的演技,本该前途无量,可为什么他只能报名试镜《在聚会上闻臭屁的男人》(Man At Party Who Smells Fart)这种龌龊的三流片子呢?他的姐姐Brooke(Heléne Yorke)比他大一岁,曾是个职业舞蹈童星。她的情况和弟弟如出一辙,在所有人都看好的情况下最终变成了什么都不是的人。两姐弟决定共同寻找自我,但他们必须面对一个尴尬甚至嫉妒的事实——年仅12岁的小弟Chase在互联网上一夜爆红,这可真是伤了他们的自尊心。Chase由现实生活中的网红Case Walker扮演。Molly Shannon扮演三姐弟的母亲Pat,虽然年纪一大把,但不忘俏一回,因为她做好了在好莱坞一试身手的准备。Ken Marino扮演Chase雇用的新经纪人,他一直很孤独,于是不顾一切地想要融入Chase的家庭。Wanda Skyes扮演 Chase的唱片出版商。
Chase Goes to College 7.8
播出日期: 2021-08-26
运行时间: 26 min
概述: With their little brother, ChaseDreams, officially retired and in college, Cary and Brooke must contend with a new famous family member: their 53-year-old mother, Pat Dubek, who's now a wildly successful talk show host. While aspiring music manager Brooke desperately searches for the next pop sensation, Cary juggles a thousand random hosting gigs... and a new boyfriend.
Pat Connects with Her Fans 8.8
播出日期: 2021-08-26
运行时间: 26 min
概述: While Brooke sets out to help her mother connect with her many Pat-hungry fans, enviable new couple Cary and Jess show a young gay man and his daddy around New York City. Later, Chase debuts a career-changing video destined to get the whole world talking.
Chase Guest-Edits Vogue 8.2
播出日期: 2021-09-02
运行时间: 25 min
概述: At Vogue's highly anticipated unveiling of a splashy new celeb’s face and body, Brooke scrambles to enjoy the perks of being a manager, while Cary leverages his D-list celebrity status for some quick cash.
Pat Hosts Just Another Regular Show 8.7
播出日期: 2021-09-02
运行时间: 26 min
概述: When Cary heads upstate for a romantic getaway with Jess, a chance encounter with an old friend gives him a taste of the future. Back in the city, a newly rich and successful Brooke kicks off her search for the missing link – a boyfriend – by booking four hotties on her mom's show.
Chase Gets Baptized 8.3
播出日期: 2021-09-09
运行时间: 27 min
概述: Chase's baptism into a celebrity church – a beautiful rite of passage for any famous young boy – finds Brooke and Cary struggling to also reap the benefits of this blessed new world. Meanwhile, Streeter does whatever it takes to remind his "kids" that he's the only "Father" they should be concerned with.
Pat Becomes #1 In Daytime 8.0
播出日期: 2021-09-09
运行时间: 26 min
概述: In a desperate attempt to land a legit new agent, Cary tries to rebrand himself as an actor-slash-writer. Meanwhile, Brooke, at long last, lands something of her own – and in doing so, connects with someone from her past.
Chase Becomes Co-Owner of the Nets 8.7
播出日期: 2021-09-16
运行时间: 27 min
概述: Cary’s day spent researching for his first-ever movie role ends in melodrama, and a women’s panel finds Brooke in way over her head.
Pat Gets an Offer to Host "Tic Tac Toe" 9.0
播出日期: 2021-09-16
运行时间: 28 min
概述: Cary starts dating an A-list actor who “doesn’t comment on his sexuality,” while Brooke struggles to uphold the contractual obligations of her own celebrity tryst.
Pat and Chase Are Killing It 8.3
播出日期: 2021-09-23
运行时间: 27 min
概述: LA-bound a day early for Chase's fashion show, Brooke and Cary are both on a mission: Brooke to carve out some me-time, Cary to up his body count.
Brooke and Cary Go to a Fashion Show 8.7
播出日期: 2021-09-23
运行时间: 27 min
概述: After a busy day, Pat walks in Chase's fashion show, which he doesn't even care about. When chaos unfolds, Brooke and Cary are forced to make a big decision.