神探可伦坡 (季节 1)

Oh, just one more thing...

  《神探可伦坡》《Columbo》是个著名美国经典电视电影系列,由彼得·福克(Peter Falk)主演。自1968年2月20日~2003年1月30日期间,包括2集试播片、本章以及之后陆续推出的特别篇,共69集。本片叙述一名总是穿着一件皱巴巴的棕色风衣,顶着一头乱发,嘴里叼雪茄,开着一辆老爷车的洛杉矶重案组的刑警主角可伦坡(Columbo) 。看似不修边幅的他,总是以敏锐的推理能力侦破各种案件,并让犯人无从抵赖。   本片每集独立成篇,一大特点是每集中客串演出犯人角色的全为名演员与名人。另一特点是剧情采用固定的倒叙推理形式:先描述犯人作案的情形,而后描写可伦坡从与嫌疑犯的交谈及证据中确定其嫌疑,逼得犯人不得不自白。犯人原以为天衣无缝的杀人计划,都逃不过他的锐眼。他的一句名言是:‘世上没有完美犯罪’。   本片特别之处就是使用较少见的倒叙推理形态,着重如何抓住犯人,而不是常见的查证谁是凶手,犯罪手法或动机。这种剧情铺陈手法,与三谷幸喜编剧的日剧《古畑任三郎》相似。

  • Poster for Murder by the Book

    Murder by the Book 7.6

    播出日期: 1971-09-15

    运行时间: 76 min

    概述: One member of a mystery-writing-team decides to kill his more talented partner when the better writer decides to go solo.

  • Poster for Death Lends a Hand

    Death Lends a Hand 7.0

    播出日期: 1971-10-06

    运行时间: 76 min

    概述: A private investigator kills his client's wife after she threatens to expose his blackmail scheme. The client then hires the detective to assist Columbo in the search for the killer.

  • Poster for Dead Weight

    Dead Weight 6.5

    播出日期: 1971-10-27

    运行时间: 76 min

    概述: A famous general kills a business associate, then woos a neurotic female witness to thwart Columbo's investigation.

  • Poster for Suitable for Framing

    Suitable for Framing 7.5

    播出日期: 1971-11-17

    运行时间: 76 min

    概述: An art critic, Dale Kingston, kills his uncle for his valuable collection of paintings. All the clues lead to the dead man's first wife. Can Columbo correct the Lieutenant's error before it is too late?

  • Poster for Lady in Waiting

    Lady in Waiting 6.9

    播出日期: 1971-12-15

    运行时间: 75 min

    概述: A woman shoots her overbearing brother, claiming she thought he was a burglar. Columbo doesn't buy the self-defense claim - he know's it's murder.

  • Poster for Short Fuse

    Short Fuse 6.9

    播出日期: 1972-01-19

    运行时间: 75 min

    概述: A chemist rigs a bomb in his uncle's car to gain control of his uncle's company, then plants clues to make Columbo suspicious of the company's Vice-President.

  • Poster for Blueprint for Murder

    Blueprint for Murder 7.7

    播出日期: 1972-02-09

    运行时间: 75 min

    概述: An architect kills his business partner and deliberately lets Columbo suspect him, leading Columbo to think that he's hidden the body in the foundation of a building under construction. He plans to let Columbo dig up the site and find nothing, knowing that its the perfect place to hide the body since Columbo would never look in the same place twice.


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