神探可伦坡 (季节 4)

Oh, just one more thing...

  《神探可伦坡》《Columbo》是个著名美国经典电视电影系列,由彼得·福克(Peter Falk)主演。自1968年2月20日~2003年1月30日期间,包括2集试播片、本章以及之后陆续推出的特别篇,共69集。本片叙述一名总是穿着一件皱巴巴的棕色风衣,顶着一头乱发,嘴里叼雪茄,开着一辆老爷车的洛杉矶重案组的刑警主角可伦坡(Columbo) 。看似不修边幅的他,总是以敏锐的推理能力侦破各种案件,并让犯人无从抵赖。   本片每集独立成篇,一大特点是每集中客串演出犯人角色的全为名演员与名人。另一特点是剧情采用固定的倒叙推理形式:先描述犯人作案的情形,而后描写可伦坡从与嫌疑犯的交谈及证据中确定其嫌疑,逼得犯人不得不自白。犯人原以为天衣无缝的杀人计划,都逃不过他的锐眼。他的一句名言是:‘世上没有完美犯罪’。   本片特别之处就是使用较少见的倒叙推理形态,着重如何抓住犯人,而不是常见的查证谁是凶手,犯罪手法或动机。这种剧情铺陈手法,与三谷幸喜编剧的日剧《古畑任三郎》相似。

  • Poster for An Exercise in Fatality

    An Exercise in Fatality 7.3

    播出日期: 1974-09-15

    运行时间: 98 min

    概述: A health club owner kills his partner who is about to uncover a fraud and makes it look like an accident

  • Poster for Negative Reaction

    Negative Reaction 7.7

    播出日期: 1974-10-15

    运行时间: 91 min

    概述: Brilliant photographer Paul Galesko plans to murder his domineering wife, Frances, and pin the crime on an ex-convict named Alvin Deschler. His plan is to make it look as if Alvin kidnapped his wife and killed her before picking up the ransom money.

  • Poster for By Dawn's Early Light

    By Dawn's Early Light 7.4

    播出日期: 1974-10-27

    运行时间: 98 min

    概述: The head of a military school kills one of the governors by sabotaging the gun which is used on founders day.

  • Poster for Troubled Waters

    Troubled Waters 7.6

    播出日期: 1975-02-09

    运行时间: 98 min

    概述: While holidaying on board a cruise liner, Columbo helps capture the killer of the singer with the ship's band.

  • Poster for Playback

    Playback 7.6

    播出日期: 1975-03-02

    运行时间: 74 min

    概述: An inventor video tapes his mother-in-law's death, and then replays it back to the security guard, to give himself an alibi.

  • Poster for A Deadly State of Mind

    A Deadly State of Mind 6.9

    播出日期: 1975-04-27

    运行时间: 75 min

    概述: A doctor kills the husband of the woman he is having an affair with but is seen leaving the house by a witness who is happens to be blind.


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